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Weigh Less

"I am on a program called Weigh Less. all foods are assigned to food groups - the basic ones in the food pyramid. Each food has a serving size and we are allowed a certain number of servings per day from each group e.g.

3 Fats
4 Bread/Cereal
1 High Veg - potato or rice etc
3 Fruit
3 Medium Veg
2 Low Veg
3 Protein
2 Milk

It is very flexible, except that fried foods are not recommended, unless you use your fat serve when you fry. Chocolates, cakes etc are of course taboo!

I have lost 11.2kg so far - since April 1997, but that's because of a major hiccup at the beginning of the year. I am more in control now, and am losing well. I just have to keep it up!" - Cheryl
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