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"Food Plan: low-fat vegetarian, main reference being McDougall

A typical day for me includes avoiding animal-based foods like meats, but I have a problem still with making the leap from lacto-ovo to vegan, so I still have egg whites and skim milk. I'm starting to convert but so far haven't found a good milk substitute for my cereal!

The bulk of my foods are whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. My weaknesses are coffe ice cream and believe it or not, toast. I can't resist the smell of hot bread! Don't let vegetarianism fool you into thinking we only eat rabbit food -- I eat MORE now than I did before simply to get all my nutrients for the day. The good thing is that although I am full and eat a LOT, it's mainly bulk and low calories.

I'm not the world's most enthusiastic excerciser, and I prefer my excercise in pleasant disguises like rollerblading or swimming rather than the treadmill at the gym.

So far I am averaging about a pound a week -- slow and sure. This isn't a diet, but a new lifestyle for me -- so I'm learning about what it takes to be a permanent vegetarian. I'm pretty enthusiastic about that and don't regret making the decision." - Astrophe
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