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Calorie Counting

"I dont have any 'plan' per se that I follow.. I just try to eat 1300-1400 cal per day (mostly 300 (BF) + 400 (lunch) + 500(dinner) + 100-200ish (snack/temptation food) ) and expend atleast 250 cal through exercise. so hopefully that should give me between 1-2 lb loss per week.

As far as food choices go, I use non/low fat products wherever possible. I try to get fruits into the snacks part and veggies into lunch and dinner. I also plan to start taking a vitamin B tablet very other day.

I am drinking around 2 lit. of water everyday.

I restrict any fizz drink consumption (coke, diet coke whatever) to at most 1 a day. Same with coffee. I drink 2-3 cups of hot herbal tea with no caffeine, no sugar added.

For exercise, have just started on a 30 min walking on treadmill. I plan to reach 3 miles walking everyday (preferably within 40 min) and take it from there.

Some foods I try to consciously avoid as much as possible: cheese, butter, red meat, icecream, nuts, chocolate, CHIPS (this has been so tough but this is my binge food..)

My weekly treat: 1 slice of hot pizza." - Aparna
