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Depeche Mode Downloads

Great Files
Celtic DM A Great Wallpaper
Fire DM Wall A Personal Favourite
Timeless A Pic of the Band
MODE A Great Wallpaper of Mode
Violator A complete midi archive of Violator
MftM A complete midi archive of Music for The Masses
Songs of Faith A complete midi archive of Songs of Faith and Devotion
Black Cel A midi of Black Celebration
Blasphemous A midi of Blasphemous Rumours
Master&Servant A midi of Master and Servant
Policy A midi of Policy of Truth
World in An amazing midi of World in my eyes submitted by Strangeways
But Not Tonight An amazing midi of But Not Tonight submitted by Strangeways
Question An amazing midi of Question of Time submitted by Strangeways.
Black Another, better Black Celebration midi submitted by Strangeways
ICQ skin A good skin for ICQ users, like a wallpaper
ICQ skin 2 Another cool skin for ICQ
WinAmp1 A skin for Win Amp based on Singels 86-98
WinAmp2 Another skin for Win Amp based on Singels 86-98
WinAmp3 A cool skin for Win Amp
WinAmp4 A skin for Win Amp based on Ultra

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(note: The chatroom is not run by me and any complaints should not be filed against me)