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Depeche This

This This This

Welcome to my DM Page. You'll find nothing but Depeche Mode. You can access polls, links,pictures, midis, downloads, news, lyrics, info, and lots more cool stuff.

"I think it was in our approach, rather than the sound itself. We've always tried to be on the so-called forefront of technology, and I suppose the way we work has been quite influental."
-Martin Gore
Depeche Mode: Some Great Reward

Current Depeche Mode News

| New Exciter Song Clips! |

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DMviolator's ICQ Status:

My ICQ number is 42885749

Sorry guys! Some of the links are not working, as various pages and companies I used to rely on, no longer exist. Bare with me, as I try to fix them up.

This site was last updated January 10th 2003!!!

The Unofficial Depeche Mode Quiz Results

*My apoligies to people who took the quiz before the new year and submitted their results. My email account was deleted so I lost all your results. However, if you email me your results, they will be posted :)

Name Date of Completion Score Quiz Number
Sachin September 11,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Nicoley December 12,'99 73/73 Quiz 2
Mode Man October 13,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
S'Chalana Frison October 21,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
dmbaby November 4,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Vince November 4,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Samantha Rivera November 16,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Sean Stoddard November 13,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Higher Luv October 20,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Leo October 20,'99 73/73 Quiz 2
Jorge Barrera November 9,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Haximum November 14,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Aaron teel November 10,'99 73/73 Quiz 1
Trent October 13,'99 69/73 Quiz 2
Steffen Schulz Sep. 19,'99 65/73 Quiz 1
Jon Atwood September 27,'99 64/73 Quiz 1
Tammo Köhler October 19,'99 64/73 Quiz 2
T.R. November 20,'99 63/73 Quiz 1
Panos January 21, 2001 63/73 Quiz 1
L Mose September 21,'99 57/73 Quiz 1
Jérôme October 18,'99 56/73 Quiz 1
Tammo Köhler October 19,'99 56/73 Quiz 1
Esther November 28'99 55/73 Quiz 1
Mateo December 6,'99 54/73 Quiz 1
Scot Pagel January 3, 2001 54/73 Quiz 1
Teresa G. November 8,'99 53/73 Quiz 2
Randal November 20,'99 53/73 Quiz 1
Francisco Dias November 28,'99 53/73 Quiz 2
Paul Nolan September 23,'99 52/73 Quiz 1
Finger November 15,'99 52/73 Quiz 1
Norman De Sloover October 10,'99 51/73 Quiz 1
John October 13,'99 51/73 Quiz 2
Andre October 11,'99 50/73 Quiz 1
John Arvanitidis September 23,'99 49/73 Quiz 1
Manlyn November 9,'99 49/73 Quiz 1
UltraGirl October 10,'99 47/73 Quiz 2
Tom Atwood September 27,'99 47/73 Quiz 1
Patricia January 2, 2001 47/73 Quiz 1
Joe Sepia October 26,'99 47/73 Quiz 2
Blasphemous Epic October 19,'99 47/73 Quiz 2
Starla September 19,'99 46/73 Quiz 1
Joe Sepia October 26,'99 46/73 Quiz 1
EvilGerbil October 11,'99 46/73 Quiz 2
rafwilder September 22,'99 43/73 Quiz 1
Starla October 10,'99 41/73 Quiz 2
Francisco Dias November 28,'99 38/73 Quiz 1
Trent September 22,'99 35/73 Quiz 1
Eric October 4,'99 33/73 Quiz 1

If you want to join this list of DM Fans Click Here and take the DM QUIZ!!!

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