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Autoimmune hemolytic anemia



Patient producing antibodies against antigen on the surface of their own red blood cells.

Three types : warm antibody hemolytic anemia

Cold antibody hemolytic anemia

Paradoxal cold hemoglobinuria









Cold agglutinin disease is an acquired autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to an IgM autoantibody usually directed against the I antigen on red blood cells. These IgM autoantibodies characteristically will not react with cells at 37 degrees centigrade but only at lower temperatures. Since the blood temperature (even in the most peripheral parts of the body) rarely goes lower than 20 degrees centigrade, only antibodies active at higher temperatures than this will produce clinical effects. In the cooler parts of the body (fingers, nose, ears), agglutination of red blood cells by the IgM antibodies will transiently occur. Hemolysis results indirectly from attachment of IgM, which in the cooler parts of the circulation binds and fixes complement. When the red blood cell returns to a cooler temperature, the IgM antibody dissociates, leaving complement on the cell. Lysis, or destruction, of cells rarely occurs. Rather, C3b present on the red cells is recognized by Kupffer cells (which have receptors for C3b); and red blood cell formation follows. 

Most cases of chronic cold agglutinin disease are of undetermined origin. Others occur in association with Waldenström's macroglobulinemia, a malignant lymphoproliferative disease in which a monoclonal IgM paraprotein is produced. Acute post-infectious cold agglutinin disease occurs following mycoplasmal pneumonia or infectious mononucleosis. 

For more information on cold agglutinin diseases or other autoimmune disorders, please click on the request information icon below. 




A hemolytic anemia caused by an extrinsic warm autoimmune defect resulting in a decreased red blood cell (RBC) survival time.




1. Background

2. Risk Factors:


1. Anemia

1. Acute Transient Pattern


2. Chronic Pattern


1. Serum

2. Bone Marrow

3. Urinalysis


1. Supportive

2. Medications

3. Others - For Chronic Pattern




A hemolytic anemia caused by an extrinsic cold autoimmune defect resulting in a decreased RBC survival time.



1. Background

2. Risk Factors:


1. Anemia


1. Serum

2. Bone Marrow

3. Urinalysis


1. Supportive

2. Medications

3. Others

Hemolytic Anemia

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is a disorder in which there is premature destruction of red blood cells. Autoimmune disorders are caused when the body's immune system, which is meant to defend the body against bacteria, viruses, and any other foreign product, malfunctions and produces antibodies against healthy tissue, cells and organs.

Normally a red blood cell has a life span of approximately 120 days before the spleen removes it from circulation. Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow and released into circulation. In persons with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, the red blood cells are destroyed prematurely; and bone marrow production of new cells cannot make up for their loss. The severity of this disorder is determined by the length of time the red blood cell survives and by the ability of the bone marrow to continue red blood cell production.

Symptoms are as follows: nosebleeds, bleeding gums, chills, fatigue, pallor (paleness), shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, yellow sclera (whites of eyes) and skin.

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is a disorder that occurs in persons who have formerly had a normal red blood cell count. The disorder usually occurs concurrent to some other medical condition, often another autoimmune disease and it sometimes occurs alone.

It affects twice as many women as men, especially women in the childbearing years. Cold antibody hemolytic anemia most commonly affects elderly persons, and warm antibody hemolytic anemia can affect anyone at any age.

Conventional treatment involves the use of Prednisone and other corticosteroids. Often patients are unable to tolerate the toxic side effects of these drugs.

The alternative, nutritional medicine approach is to identify hidden allergies by blood test and avoid those allergens (primarily foods). Also enzyme potentiated desensitization holds hope for putting the disease in long term remission.

As with all autoimmune disorders, detoxification and dietary changes are usually helpful. For best results this should be done under the supervision of a doctor experienced in nutritional medicine.

The approach used in homeopathy is to attempt to restore the balance of the system using dilute solutions of natural substances specific to the disorder.


A 49-year-old Baskin Robbins manager was seen for weakness of several months duration. Bleeding hemorrhoids and headaches were his only symptoms. Hypertension was noted 18 months previously and he was started on methyldopa. A review of systems revealed that he recently had an upper respiratory infection.

Physical Examination:

He appeared pale with scleral icterus and the spleen tip was palpable. Hemorrhoids were present but the stool was guaiac negative. There was no lymphadenopathy or skin rash. 

Laboratory studies are as follows:

View Peripheral Smear


  1. Categorize the anemia by the MCV and relate it to the reticulocyte count, peripheral smear, and LDH.[ANSWER] 

    1. Is there any significance to his job at Baskin-Robbins, medications, splenomegaly, recent respiratory infection?[ANSWER] 
    2. What other tests would help to confirm your diagnosis of immune hemolytic anemia?[ANSWER] 
  3. Is this intravascular or extravascular hemolysis? What do you think the bilirubin will be?[ANSWER] 


University of California, Davis
School of Medicine

John Drummer
All contents copyright © 1995.
School of Medicine, Office of Curricular Support
All rights reserved.

Written by: George Muntean



What is the difference between IgG and IgM hemolytic anemia in terms of cause, mechanism, treatment, and prognosis?


IgG (warm antibody) IgM (cold antibody)
Etiology Idiopathic Idiopathic
drug mycoplasma, CMV, EBV
Connective Tissue Cold agglutinins
Lymphoproliferative Lymphoproliferative
disorders disorders
Mechanism IgG coats RBC, Temperature dependent
phagocytized by Activates complement
macrophages in spleen RBC ingested by RES
Anemia Moderate - severe Mild - moderate
Coombs Antihuman serum or Anti-C3 (negative anti-IgM)
Treatment Glucocorticoids Treat underlying disease
(splendectomy) Keep warm
Immunosuppression Self-limited in acute infection
Immunosuppressive drugs
Prognosis May have chronic course Benign course


{Return to Case 2} of California, Davis
School of Medicine

John Drummer
All contents copyright © 1995.
School of Medicine, Office of Curricular Support
All rights reserved.

Written by: George Muntean


Discuss the mechanism of drug-induced hemolytic anemia. Autoimmune Type (methyldopa)


4c. Drug inhibits T-suppressor lymphocytes which allows antibodies to be formed against the Rh antigen. Hemolysis occurs independently of the drug (the other 2 types require drug to be present for hemolysis to occur) Patients will develop a positive direct Coombs which often persists for weeks after the drug is discontinued.

{Return to Case 2} of California, Davis
School of Medicine

John Drummer
All contents copyright © 1995.
School of Medicine, Office of Curricular Support
All rights reserved.

Written by: George Muntean



Discuss the mechanism of drug-induced hemolytic anemia. Immune Complex Type (quinine)


4b. Drug or metabolite binds to a plasma protein which stimulates antibody production (IgM and /or IgG). The antibody binds to the drug-protein-antibody complex then leaves the cell and is able to activate complement on other RBC.

The diagnosis is confirmed by a positive direct Coombs', a negative indirect Coombs' with normal RBC's, and a positive indirect Coombs' using normal RBC with the drug and the patients serum.

{Return to Case 2} of California, Davis
School of Medicine

John Drummer
All contents copyright © 1995.
School of Medicine, Office of Curricular Support
All rights reserved.

Written by: George Muntean


Discuss the mechanism of drug-induced hemolytic anemia. Drug Absorption Type (penicillin)


4a. Drug or metabolite stimulates production of an IgG antibody. The drug or metabolite binds to the RBC membrane which then becomes coated by the antibody. Hemolysis occurs as the coated RBC is phagocytosed in the spleen. The diagnosis is confirmed with a positive Coombs' test, a negative Indirect Coombs' with normal RBC's, and a positive indirect Coombs' with penicillin-coated RBC.

{Return to Case 2} of California, Davis
School of Medicine

John Drummer
All contents copyright © 1995.
School of Medicine, Office of Curricular Support
All rights reserved.

Written by: George Muntean


Is this intravascular or extravascular hemolysis? What do you think the bilirubin will be?


  • Extravascular hemolysis - elevation of indirect bilirubin (seldom above 4 mg/dl) and an increased excretion of urobilinogen which darkens the urine. Plasma haptoglobin levels often fall because macrophages are sloppy eaters.
  • Intravascular hemolyis - hemoglobin is broken down into dimers which bind to haptoglobin. Haptoglobin-hemoglobin complexes are removed from the circulation by the liver and the serum haptoglobin level is undetectable. Excess hemoglobin dimers not bound to haptoglobin (because none is left) circulate as free dimers and are oxidized to methemoglobin, giving the plasma a pink to purple color. Methemoglobin binds to albumin within 5 hours of an intravascular hemolytic episode and persists for 1-2 days. Methemalbumin gives the plasma a brown look and should be assayed for in the patients whom you feel have experienced intravascular hemolytic episode 12-24 hours earlier. With brisk hemolysis, hemoglobin may appear in the urine, and after several days hemosiderinuria may be found. Iron accumulates in the renal tubule cells, and as the renal tubule cells are sloughed iron can be demonstrated in the urine sediment using a Prussian blue stain.

{Return to Case 2} of California, Davis
School of Medicine

John Drummer
All contents copyright © 1995.
School of Medicine, Office of Curricular Support
All rights reserved.

Revised: August 23, 1995
Written by: George Muntean


What other tests would help to confirm your diagnosis of immune hemolytic anemia?


2b. Direct Coombs' with broad spectrum antiglobulin serum and C3b antiserum, cold agglutinins, Donath-Landsteiner Test.

{Return to Case 2} of California, Davis
School of Medicine

John Drummer
All contents copyright © 1995.
School of Medicine, Office of Curricular Support
All rights reserved.

Written by: George Muntean



Is there any significance to his job at Baskin-Robbins, medications, splenomegaly, recent respiratory infection?


2a. Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinura - rare disorder, occurs as a chronic idiopathic form or a transient form after viral infections. Intravascular hemolysis results after exposure to cold. The Donath-Landsteiner antibody (IgG) and complement bind to the red cells at cold temperatures and the red cells are rapidly lysed. The Donath-Landsteiner antibody dissociates from the red cells at body temperature. In the Donath-Landsteiner Test, we mix the patient's serum with RBC at 4oC and then warm the suspension to 37oC which results in intense hemolysis.

IgM cold antibody - mycoplasma infections, cold agglutinins, lymphomas

IgG warm antibody - idiopathic, SLE, CLL, lymphomas

Drug induced - methyldopa (see answer to question #4)

Splenomegaly is often seen in autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to a variety of causes.

{Return to Case 2} of California, Davis
School of Medicine

John Drummer
All contents copyright © 1995.
School of Medicine, Office of Curricular Support
All rights reserved.

Written by: George Muntean


Categorize the anemia by the MCV and relate it to the reticulocyte count, peripheral smear, and LDH.


1. MCV = Hct x 10/RBC = 109 fl MCHC = Hb/Hct = 35%

Macrocytic normochromic anemia.
Absolute retics = (2.45 X 106 X 25%) = 612,500

Polychromasia and reticulocytosis indicate increased RBC production; spherocytes and the elevated LDH suggest hemolysis. The macrocytosis is likely a reflection of the marked reticulocytosis; megaloblastic changes, evidence of liver disease or myelodysplasia are not seen on the peripheral smear.

{Return to Case 2}


Nattaporn Tesavibul, M.D.

Immunology Service, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

 Table of contents

  • Abstract
  • Clinical case
  • Discussion
  • Didactic section
  • Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
- Introduction
- Epidemiology
- Pathogenesis
- Histology and immunopathology
- Manifestation
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
  • Lichen planus
- Epidemiology
- Etiology and pathogenesis
- Manifestation
- Histology and immunopathology
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
  • Multiple autoimmune disorders
- Introduction
- Definition
- Pathogenesis
- Manifestation
- Diagnosis
- Conclusion


Purpose and Methods: Multiple autoimmune disorders occur with increased frequency in patients with a previous history of another autoimmune disease. We present the patient who initially presented with ocular cicatricial pemphigoid OU, history of hypothyroidism and chronic erosive ulcers in the mouth. Continued follow up, careful examination and repeated biopsies of the mouth ulcers reveal lichen planus of the mouth. Conclusion: This case highlights the need for awareness of the possibility of multiple autoimmune phenomena which also indicates the need for continued surveillance for the development of new autoimmune diseases in predisposed patients.


This is a case of 71 year old white female who was referred by her primary ophthalmologist for evaluation and management of probable ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) in both eyes. She had had intermittent episodes of blepharitis and conjunctivitis OU for 6 years which were relieved with Tobrex. Recurrent sores of lips, tongue and under the nose were noted. She also complained of mild discomfort on swallowing. An esophagoscopy and esophageal biopsy had been performed in 1993. The results were non diagnostic.

Her past medical history was significant for epilepsy since early childhood and hypothyroidism diagnosed a few years prior to presentation.

Family history was notable for a sister with multiple sclerosis.

On review of systems, the patient noted occasional pain in her right knee.

At the time of presentation, her medications were:

Dilantin 200 mg per day
Synthroid 0.125 mg

B12 by monthly injection

Tobradex drops bid OU

Examination on first presentation revealed best corrected visual acuity of 20/50 in the right eye and 20/40 in the left. On slit lamp examination, there was slight meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis bilaterally. There were occluded lacrimal puncta, mild conjunctival injection, forniceal foreshortening and symblepharon bilaterally. The anterior chambers were deep and quiet . The irides and pupils were unremarkable. Both lenses showed mild nuclear sclerosis. The vitreous bodies were clear . Fundoscopic exam was unremarkable in both eyes. Intraocular pressures were normal bilaterally.

These are photographs of the patient at the first presentation.

It should be noted that an antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA) assay done in April of 1993, which was a year before her first visit, was positive for perinuclear staining (pANCA) and a positive ELISA confirmed the presence of antibodies to myeloperoxidase (MPO).

In light of these findings, the impression at this presentation was cicatrizing conjunctivitis OU

Conjunctival biopsy from the right eye was performed and blood was sent for complete blood count (CBC), antinuclear antibodies (ANA), glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), liver function test (LFT) and Lyme titers.

The patient returned 2 weeks later (11/08/94) , feeling subjectively the same. The examination was the same except for slightly increased conjunctival injection.

The lab results were significant for ANA (both rat liver and hep 2 substrate were positive at 1:640 homogenous pattern). Antibody to double stranded DNA was moderately positive. ANCA was negative. Slightly elevated Alkaline phosphatase was noted. Conjunctival biopsy demonstrated C4 deposition at the basement membrane zone (BMZ).

The diagnosis was ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) stage 3 and Dapsone 25 mg twice daily was started.

On the next follow up (12/22/94), the patient was subjectively better. Her exam showed 1+ conjunctival injection. Dapsone was increased to 100 mg per day.

Three weeks later (1/12/95), conjunctival injection improved but still active. Her hematocrit (Hct) slightly dropped and reticulocyte count rose to 2%. At this point, the decision was made to plan on stopping Dapsone and starting MTX but this change was withheld pending consultation with her internist.

At the next follow up 6 wks later (3/02/95), the patient reported increased seizure activity. The exam showed slight conjunctival injection. CBC and reticulocyte count were normal. Dapsone was maintained and MTX was not initiated.

Two months later (5/09/95), the patient showed evidence of chronic blepharitis bilaterally and was instructed on lid care. The cicatricial pemphigoid was inactive. She was on Prednisone taper for polyarthritis.

Three months later (8/08/95), her blepharitis was still active. Doxycycline 100 mg daily was prescribed.

Two weeks later (8/22/95), the patient had arthritis in her knees, right MCP joints and right wrist. She had fluid aspiration from her left knee and local steroids injection by a rheumatologist. Persistent significant oral ulcers were noted. Medications were the same.

A month later (9/18/95), oral ulcers still persisted with burning sensation. Imuran was started at 100 mg daily.

These are pictures of the mouth lesions:

Repeated lab results were significant for:

ELISA was positive for anti MPO antibodies.

Raji cell assay was positive

repeated ANA titer was negative and the complements were normal.

Nine weeks later (11/27/95), the patient continued to have oral ulcers which were biopsied by a dermatologist. The result could not distinguish pemphigoid or lichen planus.

A month later (12/28/95), her rheumatologist had discontinued Imuran as it didn't appear effective against the oral lesions.

Oral Prednisone was increased to 50 mg daily.

Four weeks later (1/25/96), the patient's oral ulcer worsened and repeat oral biopsy revealed lichen planus. Her eye condition remained stable.

2% CsA solution swish was prescribed and Prednisone was tapered and discontinued.

Five month later ( 6/19/96), a third oral biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of lichen planus. Eyes remained stable and Dapsone was discontinued.

Two month later (8/14/96), the oral lesions were less bothersome. The eyes were quiet. The patient was offered Plaquenil but refused.

The lab results were negative for ANA, ANCA and rheumatoid factor (RF).

These pictures showed the improvement of the mouth lesions:

These are the patient's eyes.


This case reveals to us the scenario of multiple autoimmune diseases. The history of recurrent cicatrizing conjunctivitis along with strongly positive compliment deposition at the level of conjunctival BMZ make a definite diagnosis of OCP.

However, this patient also presents with the problem of recurrent painful lesions at the tongue and buccal mucosa. The review of systems doesn't show any dermatologic problem other than her oral lesions. Oral mucosal biopsy was repeated until the final result revealed lichen planus. Past medical history revealed hypothyroidism and recurrent polyarthritis plus +ANA and + pANCA. However, other clinical findings and lab results are not enough to make a definite diagnosis of SLE, rheumatoid arthritis or other form of ANCA associated vasculitis.

OCP and lichen planus will be described briefly, just to give you the overview of these two autoimmune diseases. The association of multiple immune diseases will be discussed later.



Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid is a systemic autoimmune disease with both ocular and nonocular manifestations. It produces scarring of the affected skin, conjunctiva and other mucous membrane. Conjunctival involvement may occur as early as 10 years before other mucosal or skin lesion develop or the disease can be limited to the conjunctiva. This disease can be fatal when stricture from scarring in the esophagus or trachea developed.


The estimated prevalence of this disease is 1 in 15,000 (Bittelheim) to 1 in 20,000 (Hardy and Lamb). However, the earliest stage of the disease is usually underrecognized. This disease has a slight female preponderance with a female to male ratio of 2:1. It has a worldwide distribution and effects all races. CP is said to be a disease of the elderly with the average age of 65 but this figure are probably under reported because the cases are usually not in their earliest stages. However, this disease can begin as early as the third decade of life as well.


OCP is an autoimmune disease and is believed to result from a type 2 hypersensitivity with a genetic predisposition and environmental factors to trigger the onset of the disease. The susceptibility gene is at or closely linked to the HLA-DQw7 gene. Individuals carrying this gene have approximately 9.6 relative risk of developing OCP. The environmental trigger that stimulates the individual to develop OCP may be microbial or chemical.

Drug induced OCP can be associated with

Practolol Pilocarpine Timolol Echothiophate iodide Epinephrine


Pemphigoid is characterized by a separation of basal epithelium from underlying basement membrane, forming a subepithelial bleb that tend to form scar.

The histopathologic finding of the conjunctiva in OCP patients shows: submucosal scarring, chronic inflammation, perivasculitis, squamous metaplasia of the epithelium with loss of goblet cells.

Immunohistochemical staining shows predominantly CD4 helper T lymphocytes in the inflammatory cell population that develops in the substantia propia.

Immunoglobulins and complement components are present in the epithelial basement membrane zone of the conjunctiva which was used as a definitive diagnosis for OCP. This can be detected by either Immunofluorescence or Immunoperoxidase method which is much more sensitive. Circulating autoantibodies to the basement membrane are found in all of these patients when radioimmunoassay techniques are employed. Circulating antibodies to conjunctival epithelium have been detected. The idiopathic OCP antigen is definitely different from those of pemphigoid and drug induced OCP. This antigen is a 205-kd protein in the lamina lucida of the BMZ.

This is the picture of positive immunofluorescence staining showing a linear deposition of Ig on the conjunctival BMZ.

The immunopathologic abnormalities are not restricted to the eye. Systemic immunologic derangements are present as well, including

slightly abnormal proportions of circulating helper T cells

evidence of systemic immunoreactivity with elevated levels of sIL-2R

elevated levels of soluble CD 8 glycoprotein

elevated levels of TNF in the serum.

Circulating autoantibodies against pancreas, thyroid and adrenal gland have been detected (Yarian). ANA can be found in 67% of OCP patients.



Ocular manifestation in CP usually begins as a unilateral conjunctivitis which is chronic in nature. It's usually a bilateral disease but markedly asymmetrical and is not uncommon to find the disease just only in one eye. Four stages of OCP have been described as follow:

Stage 1 is characterized by chronic conjunctivitis with mild conjunctival or corneal epitheliopathy and subepithelial fibrosis of the conjunctiva. The fibrosis is best seen at the tarsal conjunctiva as fine white striae.

Stage 2 is characterized by cicatrizing process with fornix foreshortening.

Stage 3 is when symblepharon occurred.

Stage 4 which is the end stage, consists of a dry eye with keratinization of the cornea and ankyloblepharon. This stage is untreatable.

With the appearance of the secondary trichiasis and tear film abnormalities, the blinding consequences are corneal epitheliopathy, secondary infection and corneal neovascularization.


The nonocular manifestations include skin, scalp, oral mucosa, nasal mucosa, pharynx, larynx, trachea, esophagus, vagina, urethra and anus. Scarring of the skin and mucosa is usual. The desquamative gingivitis presents in nearly all patients. Skin lesions can manifest as either a recurrent vesicobullous lesions or an erythematous plaques which evolve into a pruritic blisters.


Differential diagnosis of cicatrizing conjunctivitis

cicatricial pemphigoid intraepithelial epithelioma
atopic keratoconjunctivitis Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Ocular rosacea Lyell's syndrome

Scleroderma Sarcoidosis

Corynebacterium diphtheriae Trachoma

conjunctivitis Adenovirus conjunctivitis

Chemical burn Trauma

Squamous cell carcinoma Sebaceous cell carcinoma

Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita Sjogren syndrome

Dermatitis herpetiformis Erythoderma ichthyosiform congenita

Porphyria cutanea tarda Pemphigus vulgaris

Many diseases from this differential diagnosis can be excluded on the basis of history and physical examination. The definitive diagnosis of OCP requires the demonstration of immunoglobulin or complement component deposition at the epithelial BMZ of the biopsied conjunctiva.


OCP is a systemic autoimmune disease and should be treated systemically in collaboration with the chemotherapist or rheumatologist. Current chemotherapeutic agents are as shown in the slide. Detail of the treatment will not be discussed here.

Therapy for ocular cicatricial pemphigoid

 Agent Initial Dose/ Maximal Dose

Dapsone 25 mg bid /150 mg/day

Methotrexate 7.5 mg once weekly/ 15 mg once weekly

Azathioprine 2 mg/kg/day/ 3 mg/kg/day

Cyclophosphamide 2 mg/kg/day/ 3 mg/kg/day

Prednisone(adjunctive) 1 mg/kg/day /1 mg/kg/day


The next disease that will be discussed is lichen planus which is usually a unique cutaneous entity consisting of an eruption of papules with distinct color and configuration.


The incidence of LP appears to vary slightly among geographic area. The disease was found in 0.44 percent of the dermatologic patients in United State and 0.14 percent in Palestine. No racial or definite sexual predilection has been noted.

Most of the affected are between the age of 30 and 60. Although no age group is exempt, the disease is uncommon in the extreme age groups.


The cause of lichen planus remains unknown. Chemical agents as listed in the slide can induce LP in certain persons. A cell-mediated immune reaction may be involved in the pathogenesis of this disease.

Agents reported to induce cutaneous disorders that resemble typical lichen planus

Antiarthritic Gold
Antibiotic Streptomycin Tetracycline

Antiluetic Arsenic Mercury Iodides

Antimalarial Chloroquin Quinidine Quinine

Antitubercular Para-aminosalicylic acid

Ataraxis Phenothiazines derivative

Chelator Penicillamine

Color-film developer p-Phenylenediamine salts

2-amino-5-diethylamino-toluene Cl (CD2)

4-amino-n-diethyl-aniline sulfate (TTS)

Antimony trioxide

Diuretic Thiazides

Respiratory stimulant Amiphenazole


The physical signs of lichen planus are usually found on the skin and mucous membranes. There are a wide array of variants but the classic skin lesion is a tiny, violaceous, flat-topped, polygonal. glistening papule with or without central umbilication. Lesions are usually symmetrical and on the flexor surfaces of the forearms, neck, thighs, chin and lower back. Koebner phenomenon can occur. Lichen planus may exhibit numerous variations as shown here:

Variations of pattern in lichen planus

1. Difference in configuration


2. Difference in site

Mucous membrane



3. Difference in morphology

Hypertrophic Actinicus
Follicular Erythematous

Vesicular and bullous Exfoliative

Erosive and ulcerative


Malignant degeneration

only mucous membrane involvement will be described. The area of highest incidence is the buccal mucosa; lesions are also found on the tongue, lips , gum, palate, pharynx and throughout the gastrointestinal tract. The vaginal mucosa, bladder, larynx, and conjunctiva also may be affected. Mucous membrane lesions occur in about two-thirds of all cases and in15 to 25 percent of cases they may be the only manifestation. There is often a reticulated or lacelike network of linear, white or gray striae. Lesions are asymptomatic or may have some burning sensation. However, when chronic erosions are present, the lesions may become extremely painful as seen in our patient.


Histology shows degeneration of the basal cell layer and mononuclear cell mostly helper T cells infiltrate in the upper dermis and dermo-epidermal junction. Hyperkeratosis is prominent. Eosinophilic bodies called colloid bodies are often found in the lower part of the rete ridges and at the basement membrane zone. This finding may be an example of apoptosis.

There are characteristic immunofluorescent findings that are suggestive but not diagnostic of LP. The subepidermal and intraepidermal colloidal bodies contain IgM and /or IgA, IgG, C3, and fibrin. Fibrin deposition occurred in a broad band pattern along the BMZ and at the dermo-epidermal junction of the skin and buccal mucosa. Granular basement membrane deposits of IgM and IgG have been reported. The conjunctiva showed multilamellar fragmented BMZ.


Typical lesion is sufficient to make a clinical diagnosis. Histopathology and immunofluorescent findings will confirm the diagnosis or establish the diagnosis in an atypical case. In our case the differential diagnosis for oral lesions are as followed:

Differential diagnosis for mucous membrane lesion

Mucous membrane pemphigoid
Lichen planus

Erythema multiform



Lupus erythematosus

Secondary syphilis

In this case, the presence of chronic , atypical oral ulceration demands repeated biopsies to make a definitive diagnosis which was very helpful in giving the treatment.


Numerous regimens have been used: heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, bismuth), antibiotics (penicillin, broad-spectrum drugs), vaccines, antimalarials, antituberculous, calcium gluconate, physical therapy (x-ray, UV) and vitamins. There are no well-controlled studies conforming the effectiveness of the various regimens. The variable course and self-limited duration of the disease make it difficult to adequately evaluate therapy.

Corticosteroids are useful in the treatment of lichen planus. Topical application is usually effective for typical skin lesions. Systemic administration of a 2 to 6 week course of oral steroids will relief the symptoms in most cases. Oral lesion may be treated with topical steroid in Orabase or intralesional injection in the resistant case. Tretinoin in Orabase, 2% CsA swish and betamethasone in aerosol applied topically has been found to be effective.



Disorders of autoimmune pathogenesis occur with increased frequency in patients with previous history of another autoimmune disease. The tendency to develop another disease occurs in about 25% of these patients. Overlapping sometimes occurs but commonly it is the time that allow one syndrome to take on the features of another.


Several efforts have been made to group and label these coexisting autoimmune disorders. The term Overlap Syndromes has been used to describe the group of patients exhibit features of more than one established autoimmune disorders. Several combinations of definite connective tissue diseases have been reported.

Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTS) is used for patients who have features strongly suggestive of connective tissue disease but not definitely diagnostic of any one disorder.

Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) was initially described by Sharp as a new syndrome with features of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic sclerosis, polymyositis and rheumatoid arthritis and high titers of circulating antibody to nuclear ribonucleoprotein (RNP) antigen.

It should be noted that the classification of overlap, UCTS and MCTD is based on descriptive phenomena. This classification usually has only a loose statistical relationship with prognosis and outcome and is frequently confusing when applied to the individual patient.

Multiple autoimmune syndromes (MAS) is the combination of at least three autoimmune diseases in the same patient. This new classification based on 91 reported cases of morbid associations concerns the grouping of autoimmune conditions in the same patient.

Classification of MAS

Type 1 Myasthenia gravis


Giant cell myocarditis

Type 2 Sjogren's syndrome

Rheumatoid arthritis
Primary biliary cirrhosis


Autoimmune thyroid disease

Type 3 Autoimmune thyroid disease

Myasthenia gravis and /or thymoma
Sjogren's syndrome

Pernicious anemia

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

Addison's disease

Diabetes mellitus


Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Lupus erythematosus

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Criteria: at least three conditions must be present in the same patient

Conditions found in various combinations in MAS

Type 1 Pemphigus

Autoimmune thyroid disease
Type 2 Chronic active hepatitis
Lupus erythematosus

Bullous pemphigoid

Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

Alopecia areata

Addison's disease

Type 3 Acquired primary hypogonadism

Rheumatoid arthritis

Primary biliary cirrhosis

Relapsing polychondritis

Multiple sclerosis

Chronic active hepatitis

Ulcerative colitis


This system of classification is of particular interest. Firstly, it should make research and analysis of these morbid associations easier. Secondly, it offers the possibility of foreseeing and detecting a new condition liable to appear in a patient who has had two previous autoimmune diseases. Finally, it provides a new basis of analysis for the pathophysiological mechanisms of autoimmunity.


The pathogenesis of multiple autoimmune disorders is still unknown. Environmental triggers in a genetically susceptible individual are believed to cause disorders of immune regulation. As supported by the animal experiment which shows multiple autoantibodies following CMV infection. Multiple autoantibodies can be found in one patient and some of the specific mono or polyclonal autoantibodies may be multiple organs reactive.


Clinical manifestations depend on the combination of the autoimmune disorders but are usually nonspecific.


When establishing the diagnosis of multiple autoimmune diseases, the diagnosis of each component disease follows its own independent criteria.


The presence of one autoimmune disease should alert the physician to watch for the second immunologic disorder. Finding inconsistent with one's original diagnosis merit the search for a second autoimmune condition. The case presented here highlights the need for awareness of the possibility of multiple autoimmune phenomena. The occurrence of multiple autoimmune phenomena in this case indicates the need for continued surveillance for the development of new autoimmune disease in predisposed patients.

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What Are the Causes of Autoimmune Diseases? Are they contagious? No autoimmune disease has ever been shown to be contagious or "catching." Autoimmune diseases do not spread to other people like infections. They are not related to AIDS, nor are they a type of cancer. 

Are they inherited? The genes people inherit contribute to their susceptibility for developing an autoimmune disease. Certain diseases such as psoriasis can occur among several members of the same family. This suggests that a specific gene or set of genes predisposes a family member to psoriasis. In addition, individual family members with autoimmune diseases may inherit and share a set of abnormal genes, although they may develop different autoimmune diseases. For example, one first cousin may have lupus, another may have dermatomyositis, and one of their mothers may have rheumatoid arthritis. 

The development of an autoimmune disease may be influenced by the genes a person inherits together with the way the person's immune system responds to certain triggers or environmental influences. What other factors may influence the development of autoimmune diseases? Some autoimmune diseases are known to begin or worsen with certain triggers such as viral infections. Sunlight not only acts as a trigger for lupus but can worsen the course of the disease. It is important to be aware of the factors that can be avoided to help prevent or minimize the amount of damage from the autoimmune disease. Other less understood influences affecting the immune system and the course of autoimmune diseases include aging, chronic stress, hormones, and pregnancy.

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Last Updated January 29, 1999 (kap)