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Christian ClergyWomen ONline!!


The Comforter shed His precious blood for you.
The Lamb of God who bled and died.
Man wrinsed their filthy souls
In the pool of His own blood

That was shed and now flows
from above.

There at Calvary when He hung from above

That agony tree ~
That blood shed for me.
That blood shed for me.
That blood shed for me.
That blood shed from that Tree.

That Tree of Agony shall it have been in vain?
No the answer came.
From heaven's portals near the gate
Came this answer~~ wait.
For all twas not in vain
That precious baby came.
Twas not all in vain.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Shall it be all in vain?
No. Twas for this reason Jesus came.
To hang upon that Tree.
To shed His precious blood for me.
Thanks, dear Lord, my Savior.
Thanks and all my heart's desire
Shall sing forth thy praises
Blessed King.

God will make glad the hearts of all who will obey.


Welcome to the land called The Place When God Sang.
Man sings. But when God sings, God sings.

All the earth listens When birds sing.
When God sings, Everything and Everybody ~~
They behold Magnificence untold!

God's Songs.

The chorus of men and angels combined
Will never compare to the splendor of
The songs sung by the True God.
Men and angels sing and Glorify God.
But God's songs bless heaven and earth.
Those who hear are blessed.
Those who know are blessed.
Those who Sing along are blessed.
Those who Tell the glad tidings!

Won't you tell them, too?
Tell the glad tidings.
Shall we tell it to you? God Sings!!

The voice of God is melodious.
The voice of instruments and
The voice of rivers.
The voice of trees. Rustling leaves.
God Sings.

The voice of baby cries.
The hush of lullabys.
God Sings.

The crush of velvet.
The down of feathers.
The milk of kindness.
The honey of hives.
God Sings.

And God Sings.

The mouth of God Oh the Mouth of God
Under the oak calls forth
The Song which gladdens the weary
Soul and rests it ~
Rests it under the oak!

God Sings! Ah God Sings.

The milk of holiness, which sustains
Babes who desire to grow and drink
From the cup of loving kindness. The End.

Reach out in faith and contact us.
We will be pleased to talk with you to tell you about the look of faith.
It will keep you and so much more. God bless.

Copyright © 1992 The Mountainside Ministries. Rev. L. Dowell.
Not to be copied or reproduced in any form without the written permission of the author.

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