Last updated 03/25/00

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§TickTocks News Central§
Age of Kings info in Orange site info in Red

3/25/00 News:

Hello all. I'm still working on that javascript code so if I don't update the news very often its because I working on that STUPID thing.. Enjoy my page. Come back soon

3/21/00 News:

Long time no update....On news that is. So how is everyone? Good to hear it. I havent updated the main page much because I've been working on a Javascript code for a long time...but I'll start updateing again.. If anyone out there knows anything about javascript and can help me with a text link dropdown menu email me at and use the subject javascript menu.

1/05/00 News:

Hey happy Y2K everyone the world didn't blow up did it. LOL. please email me by my emailform or by and thanx

12/31/99 News:

I just got a Email form page up and you can vote for my site just above the "News Central" email me through the form buy clicking here.

12/28/99 News:

I was searching through my AoK files today and I found this intro sound. if you cant here it or it is "glitchy" email me , I Also have this intro sound in my Downloads page.

12/27/99 News:

Christmas is over!!! Did Any of you get AoK? if so tell me what you think of it . I just started a new page that tells you all the units made at all the buildings it will also soon have all the researches too.
Happy Holidays!!

12/20/99 News:

hey everyone, All of my pages are updated to the new look. I just changed my Message board and Guestbook to the look and I like em, Hope you do too.

12/13/99 News:

Heres the new Logo, I'll be adding the rest to it soon. Enjoy my page

12/12/99 News:

Hey I know there are a bunch of faithfull viewers of this site out there so if there are could you PLEASE send me a site with a good hit counters I cant find any that won't mess up eventually or that don't have the name of the server (beseen) on them. I hate that!!

12/11/99 News:

Good news everyone, I finally updated my Downloads go check it out. I didn't have any Scenarios but now I have some. Planning on getting more soon thanx for coming.

12/10/99 News:

Hey everyone I edited my Cheats page so it has the AoK cheats and the few AoE cheats I was missing. Also I got a Reload Option on my Link menu.

12/09/99 News:

Yo everyone, I just want you to know that I do have a Message board. A close Personal friend of mine left a very complementary message on it. Also On my dropdownl link menu at the top there are a back and forward function. I thought they would be useful

12/06/99 News:

Hey sorry about not updating in 2 days, I got the new Logo up and I hope you like it. I trying to find some Videos to put up about AoK but there pretty hard to find. Please leave some ideas for my site for me at

12/03/99 News:

Hey everyone, I hope your enjoying the new page, I'm trying to make it the best it can be. All I'm Doing now is working on the look and feel of this page. thanx for visiting

12/02/99 News:

For all you AoE fans out there, Christmas is Comeing and if you Dont have Age of Kings this would be the PERFECT thing to ask for. The grafics may be 2D but there totally Awsome 2D grafics!!!!!!! You can even find sheap and take them to your Town Center to butcher. And if your being attacked just ring the town bell and all your villagers will go INSIDE your Town Center. And if there are villagers in the Town Center the Town Center will attack your Enemies!!! Yes that's right ATTACK your Enemies!!!!!!!!!!!

12/01/99 News:

Welcome All!!! I very happy to announce that I'm comming closer and closer to a much MUCH better Main page, I'll soon be getting a poll and much much more

to see the old page or go to other places click

11/30/99 News:

Hello, You are one of the first people to view this new page, it's not done yet but it will have many MANY more things one it : AoK cheats, screenshots, AoK and AoE Music, Scenarios, you name it and I'll try to have it here for you.

11/03/99 News:

Yo I put up my new banner I hope you like it I don't really have much time to update tonight so I'll have to do extra tommarow, thanx for coming to my site and please come back soon.

11/02/99 News:

Come one come all!! And Join my email service .LOL. oooooo oAnyways welcome to AoE Warehouse and thanx for coming, I'm getting a new name Pic made By Hours, I help assist him on his site, Pokémon BROS. here is the site address if you want to check it out . It's a real sweet site. Fabulously organized, Oh yeah if your wondering, I'm not just a AoE freak I'm also a Pokémonofreak.oooo

11/01/99 News:

Hey All sorry about not updating , yesterday I got the Email service up so if you want you can get an email address here ( I hope you enjoy it. Oh yeah I'm still working on that Full version of RoR and the game hosting. Anyway please PLEASE PLEASE send me some requestes or comments, Oh yeah I changed the name of this site to AoE Warehouse thanx again. Bye

09/25/99 News:

Hello again, Long time no update. LOL. Well anyway, Sorry I havn't updated but I was visiting a reletive, and yesterday I tried but I could get to the editing page. I'm going to be hosting a multiplayer RoR game every other Saterday, I'll be sure to tell everyone when I start them, Oh yeah, I got a request to put the full version of RoR on my downloads page and I will try to get it. Also to those of you who come here regularly, thanx. And please come back to see other things I did. there will be a ton more,

And now for the AoK news,

Microsoft announced that Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings was completed September 10 at 3:00pm PST. This means that the it will be expected to start showing up on store shelves in the U.S. in early October ( I'm extremely exited); and internationally shortly thereafter. It will be fully localized in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese

09/18/99 News:

Hello, I am working on my own scenarios and campaings, If you have any Ideas for some put them on my message board and I'll try to make some of them.

09/14/99 News:

I have notiest that some people cannot see the dropdown menu I put up so If you are one of these people please email me here Please mail me if you don't see the drop down menu. Also I deleted the Hotmail login page, it Kept giving me problems so I gave up.

And Now for the AoK news,

"Microsoft today announced that in anticipation of the long-awaited release of Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, Microsoft will partner with two key retailers, Electronic's Boutique and Babbages, to offer gamers a chance to pre-order the game in the four weeks prior to launch. Available this week, Electronic's Boutique is giving away a Limited Edition Player's Guide to those consumers who pre-order the game. Bruce Shelley, Age of Empires senior designer, authored the Player's Guide.Also available this week, Babbages is offering a set of limited edition trading cards that detail each of the 13 unique civilizations in the game and offer game play hints and tips. Check out these pre-order offers at Electronic's Boutique & Babbages retail locations as well as the online stores: In other words it will be out 10/01/99 | |

09/13/99 News:

31 days intill AoK is released!!!!! Please email me to tell me what you think should be done to this site

09/11/99 News:

Hi I got a this site submited to over 1000 search engines and directories and I got a Mailing list going . I'm expecting alot more trafic and I just want to thanx the people who have been coming frequently. I must tell you though, this site is brand new and will have a ton more stuff soon.

09/10/99 News:

Hi I fixed the Hotmail login and I'm working on the Yahoo! Login

09/06/99 News:

Hi again, I'm put a guest book and a links page on and i'm working on the message board to get the banner off but intill then enjoy what i have sorry I havn't updated in 2 days but I was at one of my reletives houses.

09/04/99 News:

Hi, I don't have any news today exept that I'm still working on the downloads and I'm getting lessons to learn CGI scripts. Oh yeah I just got a message board up and I'm going to get a links page up and a guest book. Enjoy my site.

09/02/99 News:

Yo! Guess who!! I'm working on my downloads page right now. I got it so you can download all the music for AoE in one click. (Really Neat) I hope it works. To find it open it after you download it...Also I am helping work on this Pokémon site a very nice site by the way

08/31/99 News:

Howdy, I really like making this site for you and I hope you all like it. I'm going to get a message board up so you can all tell me what you think. I try to work on it every day but it's kind of hard all the time. Im also getting Campaings and Stratagies on this site

08/29/99 News:

Hi, bad news I tryed to put theYahoo! login page on this site but when I tryed it out It always said "INVALID PASSWORD" sorry again.

08/23/99 News:

Hi again, I got music on for Netscape and I just started a downloads page and I got the full version of AoE on it(at least I think its the full version)

08/21/99 News:

TickTock here, I got the background sound to work for Internet Explorer and now I'm working on it for net scape.

08/19/99 News:

Howdy all. I got the hotmail login up yesterday and now I'm working on a Yahoo! login for all of those who use Yahoo! I have a Yahoo! email address to so if you'd like mail me at but there is a bit of bad news also, I still havn't got the music up but don't worry I wont give up .Thanx again

08/17/99 News:

Me again. I changed my site address to and thanx again. click to bookmark if you want. Also please mail me and send me all the Taunts and cheats you can think of and thanx.

08/16/99 News:

Hi all. No different news today but I am trying to get AoE music on my site. Be sure to leave comments by Emailing me. And I hope you enjoy my site

08/14/99 News:

Age of Empire II, Age of Kings, is coming!! Due to arive in the states September 1999!! It is said to have the best 2D grafics possible. I don't know about you but I'm going to get it.

email me with comments or suggestions at: Email me