Group of Seven webpage

Flag of the Group of Seven


Flag design by Christopher Marsh, based on an original 1991 design. This is a safe space!



The Group of Seven began humbly in 1989 with the actions of a few progressive intelligent female Shepherd College students.

Marsh participation

Christopher Marsh joined Marshland into the Group of Seven in 1990.

Since 1992, Marshland has been one of the very contributing members of the Group of Seven, in 1993 orchestrating a postal mail directory. Today, in 1999, all but one of the Group of Seven has E-mail, and Christopher Marsh intends to make use of the new technology to continue our original goal:


To struggle for the rights, freedom, and dignity of all people, regardless of gender, creed, nationality, disability, race, color, sexual orientation, (and the list is growing!)


I would suggest "One" by Creed as our theme song.

I am also inspired by "Say Goodbye" by U2. I got half the song from one of us, and found the whole thing on the radio!

E-mail Chris Marsh on behalf of the group

Your message, if specifically addressed to the Group of Seven, will be forwarded to the five other members with E-mail and may be printed and mailed to the other member.

This site is dedicated to the memory of Yvonne Marie Saville, (1971-1991), one of us then, always in our memories.

Copyright 1999 Christopher Marsh. Last updated: September 26, 1999.

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