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2001 Ming-De Chorus Index Page

Welcome to 2001 MD WebSite. Thanks!

We have two very successful, wonderful Spring Concerts on April 28, 2001 at Radnor Middle School and May 5, 2001 at Excelsior Scottish Rite Consistory Auditorium in New Jersey. Thanks for the audiences, RMS, CMV & MD members, and advertisers support!

On May 12, 2001, we have a community service performance at Granite Run Farms @ 2 PM. It's a very warmful feeling to join this event. Thanks to all members and audiences!

2001 Ming-De Chorus

2001 Introduction, Conductor, & Accompanist (in English)
2001 Introduction, Conductor, & Accompanist (in Chinese)
January 28, 2001 Chinese New Year Performance
April 28, 2001 Radnor Concert Program Cover Page
April 28, 2001 Radnor Concert Program (in Chinese)
April 28, 2001 Radnor Concert Program (in English)
April 28, 2001 Radnor Concert MD Members
April 28, 2001 Radnor Concert Picture
April 28, 2001 Radnor Concert News

More Concerts

May 5, 2001 NJ Concert Program
May 5, 2001 NJ Concert Picture
MD Concert News

Other MD WebPages

Ming-De Chorus HomePage
1999 Index Page
2000 Index Page