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James Canada's Genealogy Page
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James Canada's Genealogy Page


I am attempting to trace my roots. I am searching for anyone that may be related to me, so I can add them to my page and hopefully meet them. I was born in Halls, Tennessee 56 years ago. I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers. My family moved to St. Louis, Missouri when I was five years old. I have lived in Southern California since 1966.

Adams, Allen, Arizabal, Arnold, Atkins, Beaman, Bermudez, Biggers, Biggs, Billings, Boland, Burpo, Canada, Canning, Cap, Carew, Cofland, Conway, Cook, Davis, Dean, Denson, Dinsmore/Densmore, Discus, Elyott, Enrici, Ferrelli, Forluis, Fuentes, Gibson, Hale, Hall, Hamlin, Hill, Hubbard, Hyatt, Ivye, Jones, Kingston, Littlejohn, Mabe, Mallet, Matthews, Max, McKay/MacKay, Methina, Meyers, Miller, Morris, Newborn/Mewborn, Oyamo, Parker, Pauley, Peroutka, Perrot, Phillips, Plot, Prater/Prather, Price, Prine, Proffitt, Pruett, Quintyne, Riley, Robbins, Robin, Roper, Rushing, Rutherford, Sanders, Saulsberry, Saunders, Savage, Smith, Staggs, Stephens, Stevens, Stockett, Suratny, Swearingen/Swearington, Tattershall, Taylor, Tedford, Tennyson/Tennison, Tewksbury, Tidwell, Ward, Wells, Wheeler, White, Wilmath, Wilson, Wysong and Yates.

Visit My Brother's Memorial Page
Bob Canada's Page


"Check out these genealogy links."
 LDS Family Search
 Social Security Death Index

Email: James H Canada