Buffy Fiction-Addiction Anonymous

Welcome to BF-AA: Buffy Fiction-Addiction Anonymous. What is BF-AA? It's a club founded by BuffAngel with Megg acting as president.

If you're addicted to Buffy fanfiction, this place is for you! Upon joining, you list your 3 favorite fan fics and we link them so everyone can enjoy. If you have suggestions, email us, of course.

How was BF-AA founded? Simple. BuffAngel and Megg stayed up too late on ICQ one night. BuffAngel jokingly threw out the idea for a club for us addicts, BF-AA. Megg took it to heart and spawned the webpage.

Fanfic is, by the way, how BuffAngel and Megg met. BuffAngel e-mailed Megg about her fic, and Megg responded by asking BuffAngel is she wrote any fic. They got to writing back and forth and...voila! The magics of fanfic. :)


Megg's Favorite Fanfic:

1. You Never Can Tell,by BuffAngel. An absolutely amazing story based on our two favorite actors, Sarah and David.

2. Secrets & Friends, by BuffAngel. Another fabulous story, this one centers around Buffy and Angel.

3. That Was Just A Dream, by Amy . Buffy and Angel, post- Choices and after he says he's leaving... it's happy and sad and all-around wonderful.


BuffAngel's Favorite Fanfic:

1. How's It Going To Be, by Megg . Buffy's in college... in Maryland.

2. Friendship, by Melinda S. Dawney (email to Lil-Wolf) It's a Willow/Angel story, but absolutely fabulous...if you're under-age, or can't tolerate W/A sex, there's a PG 13 version...

3. The Wildest Times In The World, by Christine. Twenty years in the future, Buffy and Angel meet again. *Tissue Warning*




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