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My Odd Lil' World

Chek Out These Sites!

My College!
Free E-mail! (anything free is good)
My lovely little chat room..*s*
Any anime you want, you can find here! (well, most of it anyway...)
One of the greatest bands around!
My favorite tv show!
Click here to see pictures from the 1999 National Junior Wheelchair Championships in Albuquerque, New Mexico!

My Friends

New Pictures Have Arrived! Just Click Below!
Memphis 2000!
Just hanging by the lake!
Me and Kayla!
Kevin and Jenny!
Brian and Stasia!
Kevin and Lisa!
Me and Brian!
Me and Jenny decide to take a self portrait with Brian's camera!
Kevin went wild in Memphis!
New Years Eve and Other Pictures!
Celebrating the New Year!
My Uncle and Grandparents acting goofy at the party
Me and my Grandparents. Aren't we cute!
My mom and her sister (my aunt)
Me and my two friends from Highschool, Susana and Remi..*s*
My Beautiful Black Cat
My Crazy Kitty
Hello everyone, and welcome to my page! My name is Tina. I'm 20 years old, and a junior in college on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I'm a Biology and Enviornmental Marine Science major. During the summer of 2000, I got the opportunity to intern for the US. Fish and Wildlife Service as a CAI intern. I have been asked to continue on to the next student program, and if I choose to do so, I will be placed in a permanent position with the service after a completion of 640 hours of work. I think I've found a career that suites me, and a place where I belong...*s*
Here is a picture of me and my best friend, Kathleen. It was taken at her older brother's wedding (which was absoultely georgeous! Congrats Brian and Kim!)
Go to the bottom of the page for more pictures from Brian and Kim's wedding!
Click here to see a pic of me and my older brother with our tattoo's (mine is a butterfly).

I guess I should tell you about myself. First of all, the thing that you can't see in the picture is my disability. I'm known as a congenital amputee, and I was born without three of my limbs. Due to my condition, I'm confined to a motorized wheelchair. I like my wheelchair though. It's basically like the sports car of motorized wheelchairs. The kind I have is the Quickie P-200 (I've heard all the jokes about the name, don't start! *L*). It's so cool. It can go up to 7 mph, and it can pop up 4 inch curbs on it's own. Let's just say that I've earned the nickname "Hell on Wheels"...*eg*...If you're interested to see what my disability looks like, just take a look!
This is a picture of me and a very special little lady named Kayla. She's like a little sister to me, and I can't imagine my life without her or her family!
One of the advantages of having my disability is that I get to meet all different types of people through the sports program I'm involved in. I have been competing in wheelchair sports since I was 8 years old, and I have gotten the chance to travel all across the United States, and have competed in numerous national competitions. Recently, we competed in the National Junior Wheelchair Championships held in Albuquerque, NM.
If you would like to learn more about wheelchair sports, and my team, click here!
For those who wish to know my interests:
I like to read, play sports (some are: basketball, football, and sitting volleyball), swim, listen to music, go out with friends, and party (only a little *innocent smile*).
So far, I'm loving college life! I've met soooo many great people, and I'm having the best time! Although classes do get in the way sometimes, they aren't too bad...*ggls*... Starting this September, I'll be a sophmore, and I'll be getting more into the classes for my degree. I'm so excited! Between my classes and work, I mainly go out with my roomate and friends. We all have sooooo much fun together! Here's a pic of me and my former roomate, Tracy:
Tracy's so much fun! I luv her!!! *ggls*...Though we're not rooming together this year, we're still living in the same apartment, so I'm excited!!!! This year at school has been very interesting so far! I'm sharing an apartment with 7 other girls. We're all still alive and well, but this semester has been a lot of fun, and a lot of hard work. Maybe a page will come soon about my college? Hmmmmmmm....*s*...check back and look for it...*s*
College Life
Katie, Tori, and Tracy asleep in our living room...For some reason, they prefer this to their beds..*l*
Other New College Pictures Include:
Alissa and her Big Ball!
Tracy and the Amazing Massaging Bug!

If you have icq, my number is 12769102 (or send me a message using the box at the bottom of the page), and if you have AOL Instant Messanger, my screen name is sno bean19. So sign the Guestbook, or shoot me a message and tell me what you think! I know it sux right now...but give me a few months, and it'll get better! Trust me!!!
Bubye everyone...*ggls*...and thanks for giving my page a look!
Brian and Kim's Wedding
Me and Jason Dancing
Boys Will Be Boys
The Whole Gang
Self Portrait of Tony (my brother) and Jason (aka JBuff)
The Bride and Groom, Kim and Brian
Click here to see pictures of my friends at school!
Mike aka Baggs and Tracy's legs!
This is Kent!
Danielle, Elise, Katie, and Tracy!
Be sure to check out my Wheelchair sports page to see pictures of the 1999 National Junior Wheelchair Championships, held in Albuquerque, New Mexico!!!!
Click here to see my page dedicated to Wheelchair Sports!
Comming Soon:
-pictures of my sports team on the Bennett Blazers page
-A page dedicated to all my lovely little friends at SSU..(they all felt slighted cause I couldn't name all of them on here...*s*....I luv them all though!)

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