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~An Angel's Page~

I guess that would make me the angel in the above-mentioned title, huh?

Warning!! This page is ALWAYS under watch for falling objects!!

Here are a few lines of a song from my favorite musical "Damn Yankees":

A man doesn't know what he has until he loses it,
When a man has the love of a woman, he abuses it,
I didn't know what I had when I had my old love,
I didn't know what I had 'til I said "Goodbye old love!"
Yes, a man doesn't know what he has until it is no longer around,
But the happy thought is,
Whatever it is he's lost,
May someday, once again be found.

Pretty meaningful words...

I've started a weblog, sort of an online journal....a place to vent publicly, so to speak! These days it seems to get more of my attention than this website! If you'd like to be nosy and see who I'm berating, or just peek into my (rather ordinary) life, pleeze follow this link!!

Feel free to e-mail me!

Please click on the links below to continue exploring my page.

My Favorite Links
This is why you are here...learn all about ME
Some pics from last Halloween....definitely scary stuff!
An online photo album
Or...visit some other cool people