Al's Place

Here are some Friends I have here

My Favorite Links

My Friend Danny's Page
My Friend Jen's Page
Virtualflower-Place to Send Flowers to Loved Ones
Freetown-The Best Place for Chatting in the Word
AOL'S Instat Messenger-The Place to get AOL'S Instant Messenger
Mirabilis-Place to get ICQ
My Friend Amy's Page
My Friend Thad's Page
My Firehose Page Station 2 Cottage City and Colmar Manor
My lil sis page Jessica
Station 33 Kentland
Pauls Crazy Page
Station 13 Riverdale

Hey these are pics of peeps such as Me, my Family, And my Friends (Happy Jill)

Hey Sign the Guest Book !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Click Here to see pics of Me.... Alvaro or Al
Click Here too see pics of Jen G.

Click Here too see pics of Jen C.
Click Here too see pics of Jennie

Click Here too see pics of Missi
Click Here too see pics of Jay

Click Here too see pics of Sara
Click Here too see pics of Amy

Click Here too see pics of My Friends From K.C.
Click Here too see pics of Michelle

Click Here To See Pics Of My Friend Jess
Click Here too see pics of My Car

Click Here too see pics of My Firehouse
Click Here To See Some Good Posters

Hey sign the book please !! Official Purity Test

Click for Washington, District of Columbia Forecast Click for Miami, Florida Forecast

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