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Alexander Minevich
#107 240 Northcliffe Blvd.
Toronto. Ontario. M6E 3K7
(416) 656-1096

98- 2000 B.Sc. in progress
University of Toronto. Occupational Therapy.
93-95 M.A.
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education: University of Toronto. Applied and Clinical Psychology.
93-89 Honours B.A. York University. Psychology.

Work Experience
98-present Assistive Technology Resource Center 
   University of Toronto
Instruct and implement assistive technologies for people with special needs.  Web design and maintenance.
97-98 Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest.
Research assistant, co-ordinator of memory and attention variability study.
95-96 ADD Centre
Consultant for ADHD and LD population: Psychometric, Research and Neurofeedback.
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
  Adolescent Learning Project.
Audio-visual Consultant for OISE and North York Board of Education study – focus on LD children.
94-95 Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Computer Supported Learning Environment.
Research Assistant: transcribing, collecting datum, videotape classroom activity and help teachers implement new teaching strategies.
Children's Literacy Toronto.

Consultant for tutoring of ADHD and Oppositional Defiant children (ages 8-12).
90-present Private consultation and tutoring.
Neuro- and Biofeedback, Study skills, reading, writing, math, relaxation and focusing training.
90-91 Sylvan Learning Center
Tutored LD children and adults.

Volunteer and Professional Experience
1999 Interaction
Occupational Therapy Sensory Integration Placement.  Assessment and Intervention of Autistic children.
95-96 Surrey Place Centre
Full year psychometrics practicum.  Assessment of developmentally delayed children and adults.
94-95 Kinark Child and Family Center
Full year psychometrics and therapy practicum.
94 OISE-Huron Primary School
Helped to implement a new teaching modality into several classrooms.
94 Earlscourt Child and Family Center
Participated in an ongoing longitudinal research project aimed at isolating differences between young-offenders and non-offenders.  Responsible for coding, data entry and other related tasks.
92-93 Pleasant Primary School
Worked as teacher's aid and responsible for helping “special-needs” students.
91-92 Peer Support Center at York University
Counselled university students.
92 Queen Street Mental Health Center
Participated in a longitudinal research project aimed at improving patient care.


Abeygunawardena, H., Bereiter, C., Brett, C., Burtis, J., Collister,  D., Hewitt, J., Hoye, K., Korbak, K., McAuley, S., Minevich, A., Rahman, T., Rowley, P., Scardamalia, M., and Smith-Lea, N. Curriculum Materials and Technical Reports Relevant to Academic Work: (1996, June) Schools for Thought.  (Final Report to James S. McDonnell Foundation), Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at The University of Toronto, Centre for Applied Cognitive Science.

Day, D., Minevich, A., Hunt, A., & Hrynkiw-Augimieri, L.  Early Detection of Young Offenders:  Identification of risk and protective factors.  Paper presented at the Eighth Biennial University of Waterloo Conference on Child Development. May, 1994.

Drukman, T., & Minevich, A.  Applications of EEG neurofeedback for ADHD.
Submitted for publication.

Minevich, A. The effects of teacher discourse on a communal database.  Master of Arts thesis.  Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.  1996.

Minevich, A.  Effects of teacher commentary on student discourse in a communal computer data-base.  Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association.  New York. April, 1995

Minevich, A.  The effects of motivation on speed reading.  Undergraduate thesis.  York University. 1993.


English and Russian.

Computer Skills

Word, Word Perfect for Windows, Windows 3.1, 95, NT, 98, Access, Visual Basic 5.0, HTML, Excel, Lotus, SPSS for Windows, Power Point, DOS 6.2, Norton Utilities, Netscape, Explorer, End Note, Pro-cite, computer installation of memory, hard-drives, cards, and modems.  Also proficient with both MAC and PC platforms.


Available upon request