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how we saw TORI AMOS

Have we ever mentioned that we saw TORI AMOS? Well we did. OK so Slick, Julie, Lydia, Liza (Dan, Anna, Sharon, Christine), and an other-worldly creature named M.A.R.G.A.R.E.T. went to NY on a chorus trip. By pure happenstance we were let loose in Times Square at the same time that Tori was going to be on MTV Live which is taped in Times Square. We waited outside of this window with a lot of screaming people for a very long time. Some of the people were REALLY frightening but some were very spiffy. We met this rockin chick named Lisa who was just very cool.
Anyway, eventually Tori came to the window and waved at everyone and it was SO COOL! She had on a lot of makeup and she looked really really happy to see us there.
After that, we almost MET her but we had to go meet our teacher or else he was going to sell us to the Italian mob... BUT we wrote her a little letter and gave it to Lisa to give to her. Lisa later told us that she gave Tori the letter and Tori was all like, "Aw that's sweet. It's a shame that they couldn't stay." ...can you BELIEVE that! TORI AMOS TALKED ABOUT US!!!!
....we shall never be the same....

OK back to Topper now Thanks for listening to us rave.

COMING SOON: Sliq, Julie, Lydia, M.A.R.G.A.R.E.T, and a being known only as "the other Katie" go to an ACTUAL TORI AMOS CONCERT . . . and hopefully meet her . . . physical contact and everything


OH MY GOD!!!!! Well, me and M.A.R.G.A.R.E.T. and the other Katie got at the MCI Center at like noon and waited around and met ALL MANNER of cool people INCLUDING the niece of TOPPER SHUT'S babysitter!!!!! How cool is that!?! Everyone looked through the Topper anthology and it was all very cool. Then after many MANY hours of heat, Tori finally came. She signed my (Dan's) B-Sides piano book and accepted my gift of lip-gloss earrings with a laugh. We talked and everything!!! I took her picture with my friend Steve. It was just amazing. She was like BREATHING in front of me!!! cool, huh? The concert was amazing as well. Julie and Lydia were there as are changed for life!

Here's a picture of Tori! (I'm still playing around with the size)
Coming soon the picture when we saw her in New York (so what she if had a hand in front of her you can still tell it's tori) We Saw Tori again!!!!!! Yes we went to her Concert in Baltimore and went to the meet and greet session again. This time we were very close so we just got a few pictures of her, But she did sign my Winter single (if you can't tell that this is Christine than you have to talk to dan some more). Well we saw lots of people that were at the other concert, I wasn't there but they seamed to know other people. So we get to our seats which are on the FLOOR!!!! yes we were only 20 rows away from Tori Amos. Guess who we saw on the floor, Her parents. Yes we talked to Tori Amos's parents. They even signed Margaret's cereal box, well so did the whole front row. The Concert was great, she played Happy fantome and Waitress, and all sorts of other cool stuff.

Volume 4
We went to the tori alanis concert this august. I'll write more later about it but tori rocked, alanis had a cool set i have to get to class now. bye, Liza