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Name: Bobq (the "q" is silent, it's French)
Personal ad line: dark and...darker
Age: 15.79421648 (this answer c. may/june 1997)
Weight: 15 on the moon
Height: 3 inches on Venus
Sexual Orientation: straight
Location: Earth (duh!) At least temporarily
Fun Fact: Did you know that if you put all the belly button lint in the world into a vat, you'd be able to use it to suffocate Newt Gingrich?
Hobbies: Music. I am a musical being. I eat it, breath it, and smoke it. Country music gives me gas. Just so you know. If I'm not musicing, I'm homeworking.
Turn-ons: All the uses of Jell-O and a screwdriver
Quote: If you were a peanut in a peanut product, what peanut product would you be in and why? I would be in a Snicker's bar. Think about this.

