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Sy's Page of Goodnesssss

The frames got on my nerves and are gone now.

I think these are the girliest colors I've ever used.

loving hangers

Vote pro-life; the hanger industry needs your support
I swear, if Roe vs. Wade is overturned, I am getting my little middle class tuchus out of this country. I doubt I'll have the money for a safe illegal abortion.

And wouldn't it be nice if the USA split in two, at least politically? I mean, well gosh, it's a pretty big place for one president to keep track of! A lovely bit of land for people who prefer somewhat more liberal leadership, and another for those who would vote for more conservative. Republand could wrestle with population issues and uneducated, malformed babies being popped out, and Liberia Liberry Democratia would struggle with low population because of all the uncloseted gays not reproducing or something. It'd be cool.

pictures from England, and some more!

Kevin Bewersdorf is pretty awesome. He wrote this song ("Save Link/Target As").

I made a patchwork purse over winter break to take to England. It took forever, but it zips and is fun and hasn't fallen apart yet.

cliquez pour voir


I give you... art and quasi-art

I give you... unframed links:

Visit the online catalogue of Throbbing Thorax, distributors of wholesome, exotic foods!

a few C.O.W. pictures...
Sy has a profile! And pictures!
my own useful Hatten Sr din page
Sy's oldish Marilyn Manson picture page
Little thoughts that pop into my head
Menstrual health and TampAction
Fun with West Nile Virus
A bunch of random pictures I compiled
A Columbine-era essay that is very good.
Funny things that can make you laugh until you snort
Beaver's Creek
Yum! Hatten ar din!!!

"We are survival machines -- robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes." ~ Richard Dawkins

mail me!

I last remembered to change this date on May 27, 2005