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Rule 1

Rule Books Used

The only books the players use to create characters is the second edition Players Handbook, the Tome of Magic for use of spells, and the Weapons and Armor Book can be used for types of weapons & armor only.

Rule 2

Character Creation

Players may use any method they like from the second edition Players Handbook for rolling statistics or from the Unearthed Arcana (Humans Only). This process is done with me at a scheduled date and time. This also means all characters shall be created with me. (No brought in characters will be accepted!) Also, a detailed description and history will be required for the web page. The more detailed the better.

Rule 3


Due to trouble with evil groups in the past, (to busy trying to kill each other) I have made it a rule that their will be no evil characters. Neutral through good leaves enough options.

Rule 4


I expect the players to make every game that they can. I understand things come up once in a while, but for the most part you MUST attend. Those who fail to prove reliable will be removed from the game without hesitation.

Rule 5

Game Time

The campaign takes place every Saturday night at 8p.m. eastern standard time.(Time is a MUST) The game usually runs between three and four hours, maybe more depending on the players. If you're not sure you can make the time then its best for both of us if you pass on signing up.

Rule 6

Rule Disputes

I am the story teller, or Dungeon Master, whatever you want to call it. All rulings are usually fair to the best of my ability, and always final. I do listen to gripes after the game if someone feels I made a mistake. That doesn't mean it will change, being this is an. ongoing story and can't be turned back. In short I do listen and will. validate any infraction of the rules on my part and learn from them. After all I may have been playing for two decades, but that doesn't mean I know all the rules by heart.

Rule 7

Webrpg Room Rules

{Soon to switch to a private server using werks. Please check the links page for more info}

All dice rolls are whispered to me. All in character speech will be in quotations."example" Out of character comments are to be whipsered to me or to the other person involved. If you must ask something in front of the group without whispering simply put the text in parenthases.((Example)) I know most of you already practice these methods, I just wanted to make it clear for those who don't.

Rule 8


Seems i have to add this little section to the rules page, for some don't seem to know the meaning.
First off if your use to making three and four word comments don't waste your time trying to join. Things like Example casts a spell, or Example sits down, etc etc will not work. Granted not every comment or action you will do will require a long conversation or action.
But the more descriptive you can be the better, four line comments should only be about 3% of your over all ability to play the game.
If you are unable to make complete sentences or actions 97% of the time then there is no need to read any further. For your time in the camp will be short at best.

Rule 9


I usually run a room on webrpg advertising when I need a player. You can sign the guestbook if you wish to join also. I will add you to a list of possible players in icq then contact you when an open slot presents it's self. I refer back to the list when I need a player, so even if I appear to not be recruiting it is still a good idea to leave your info. If you are not on the list the odds are you will never play in this Campaign.

Rule 10


One last thing i will only accept players over 18 years of age, no offense to the younger players but i can't run a game when players can't attend from being grounded.

Thankyou for your time.
