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Stones Place


Uploaded the pictures !!! Well once again its been a long time sence I have worked on this thing .. *L* .. so finaly I am going to upload some of the pictures of my car after the crash and one of ME ***yuck*** .. again sorry this is kind of a cheap looking web page but I can't seem to find the time to do up a good one *LOL* ..

I am 25 years old going on 110 or 3yrs depending on the day and who you talk too *L* I don't know how any one finds this any more with as little as I get on here .. I am a mechanic by trade and love to work on things ..

I haven't updated this sence I wrote it so I figured now was a good time ... I crashed my every day car and haven't really felt much like working on this but have nothing better to do so figured now was a good time ..

Ok first No I Was NOT drinking when I crashed the car .. I did have a bottle in the car though that shattered on impact along with every thing else in the car including me .. No it was not the mustang I don't drive it and haven't for a while becouse its haveing problems ... I am still healing but getting better every day .. People keep makeing jokes about me being the 6 million dollor man now and that I proved I can not be killed *L* .. I wish that was true.... decided to brake this thing up in to difrent pages so pick a page that looks intresting and have a read .. :) I'll be here when you get back .. ;)

Links / Pages :) good enough for 4 am with no sleep *LOL*

what happened in the car crash
Pictures of Romanians and Me
Philosophy on difrent things
The pictures from my crash and one of me