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When obsessions go a little too far, people make webpages.

Paul McDermott is undoubtedly a very talented man. He paints, he draws, he writes, he sings, he acts, he has toured most of the world, he has co-hosted a radio breakfast show, and he now fronts two tv shows a week, and that is just some of the things he has done over the years.

Paul is now 37 years old. He was born in Adelaide and has moved to Canberra, Melbourne, and now resides in Bondi Beach, NSW. He is the youngest of non-identical twin, and has five other siblings. He is also red-green color blind. For more info visit

Paul is probably best known for the show Good News Week. The show and it's regulars made a very controversial and risky move from the ABC to Channel 10 earlier this year, but they seem to have pulled it off. The show has stayed relatively the same in the move, with the exceptions of commercial breaks and a longer time slot. Good News Week airs Sundays 7:30 pm- 8:30 pm.

Paul was invited onto Mikey's breakfast show on Triple J in 1997. Before that he made regular guest appearances on someones's drive time slot. Paul and Mikey were joined by The Sandman every something morning. In 1998 Paul felt the strain of the early mornings and late nights and retired from breakfast radio.

He tried to return every Friday morning between 8:07 am to 9:00 am, but found an on going chest cold and the Edinburgh Festival prevented his appearance to be all but regular. He was the star of Captain Pants, Mikey's radio serial.

After 7 years at Triple J Mikey left the station at the end of 1998 with a very moving broadcast live on a JJJ webcam.

Paul's best work was with the Doug Anthony Allstars, a comedy trio, who toured most parts of the world with their fast-paced, often violent stage performances. The Dougs were Paul, Tim Ferguson and Richard Fidler. Most of their songs and artwork were done by Paul.

Paul joined the group officially in 1984 after filling in one night for a previous member who was sick. The Dougs got their own tv series called DAAS Kapital. The band broke up in 1994 due to artistic differences and locational problems.

Part of the contract in moving to Channel 10 was GNW's spin off show GNW Night Lite, which airs Thursday's 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm. It is based on last years success of Good News Weekend, on the ABC. GNW Night Lite is a light entertainment pop culture show, on which Paul belts out a tune (often with the 'musically inclined' guest) at the end of each show.

Good News Weekend only went for 10 shows. The GNW team were asked to baby sit Roy and HG's spot while they were away. GNWend was a blessing to the fans as it was assured we would hear Paul's beautiful singing voice and see his funky dancing each week. It was also a chance for most of us to see Flacco in action again, and The Sandman for the first time.

Mikey Robins worked at Triple J for 7 years. In those 7 years he co-hosted a midnight to dawn shift, and several breakfast shows. He is a regular team captain on Good News Week and GNW Night Lite. Mikey's wedding is coming up soon.

Steve "The Sandman" Abbott worked under his alias name and hid behind radio for years before showing his face on Good News Weekend last year. His character's dull and monotonous sounding voice has recently been compared to that of the Superannuation Chief, Bernie Frazer.

Richard Fidler, a former Doug Anthony Allstar, has hosted ABC's Race Around The World, and has had a chat show called Mouthing Off on a cable network. He has appeared on GNW and has had a regular segment on Adam Spencer's breakfast show called 'Dick Predicts' on JJJ.

Tim Ferguson, a former Doug Anthony Allstar, has hosted Channel 9's Don't Forget Your Toothbrush, and Little Aussie Battlers. He has appeared on GNW, and appears regularly at the Annual Great Debate at the Melbourne Int. ComFest, and the Super Series Debates on Channel 9.

Over the past few years I have had the priviledge to meet some pretty cool celebrities. Some are well known, some aren't so well known, but they're all the same to me, they're all bloody legends! This page has photos , autographs and memories of these encounters. Now for some name dropping: Paul McDermott, Colin Lane, Frank Woodley, Mikey Robins, Mark Philippoussis, Snout, Anthony Morgan, Marty Fields, Robert Harvey... the list just goes on and on.

Here's a page with photos of my friends and I.

And also Paul and Mikey's playlist on Rage last year

Visit my message board: McDermott's Messages


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Some of the sites I feel are worthy of a mention:

It was only a few years ago that a Paul website was hard to come by. As his popularity has grown and I have met lots of Paul fans I have come across lots of very interesting and informative pages. Below are the ones I have come across. If you have a Paul related website (or one on anything I have mentioned on this page) I haven't listed, or have any problems with me listing you page, please feel free to contact me.

Please visit other people’s Paul related sites.

Biography * Good News Week * Triple J * The Doug Anthony Allstars * GNW Night Lite * Good News Weekend * Mikey and Steve * Richard and Tim * Autographs/photos * P&M’s Rage Playlist *

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I in no way take any credit for the material I have borrowed, and have supplied the names and publications in which the info has come from. If any of the journalists/authors of these interviews have any problems whatsoever, please feel free to contact me and your wish will be my demand. I am aware of copyright laws, but I feel these rare Paul moments should be shared. Thank you kindly.