A Moment in a Blind Martial Artist's Life

A Moment in a Blind Martial Artist's Life

By Shikoku

Lunchtime at the Nekohanten proved to be very crowded. Mousse was kept busy by waiting on and cleaning up tables and sweeping the floor. Each task was made more tiring than usual, as Cologne was his boss. She didn't let any of her employees (i.e. him) mess around when they're supposed to be working. After she had him mop up a spill that a little toddler had accidentally made, Mousse wondered not for the first time why he was putting up with this crap. His answer was across the room talking to customers as she took their orders. Shampoo, his beautiful Shampoo. Sure, all he saw was a purple blur, but he just knew she was beautiful. He had loved her ever since they were little, when she was the only one in the village that wouldn't make fun of his poor eyesight and even played with him.. He had then vowed to do anything to get her to return his love..
A staff strikes him on the head. "Quit daydreaming and get back to work, Mr.. Part-time!" ....even work for the old troll she calls a Great grandmother.
He began to plan his move. He resolved himself, before lunging across the room and embracing the purple-haired amazon. "Shampoo, I love you!!!" Well, he couldn't help himself. He did love her. But why was she so big and hard...He had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that he should have put on his glasses before doing this.
A familiar staff strikes him on the head, again. "Foolish boy, you're hugging a statue."
He pulled out his coke bottle thick glasses and peered at what he had thought was Shampoo. What he saw was a blurry cat statue which had been standing by the front door to greet customers. -sigh- She was right.
"Now get back to work!" Cologne yelled, in that irritating voice of hers.
Grumbling to himself about 'dried up old monkeys', Mousse hid his glasses again and went back to mopping.He tried to ignore the customers who were now laughing at him, but one high-pitched voice, he couldn't ignore. "Stupid Mousse," Shampoo had remarked before turning back to her customers. Mousse sighed. Shampoo would never give him a chance. She just thought he was a dopey blind duck-boy...Still, a part of him was sure that she loved him. Well, she did show it on Togenkyo...and when she had the reversal jewel on and she hated everybody she loved, she still treated him bad, which meant she really did care for him, right? That small hope was all that kept him going.
Newly resolved, he reached into his robe, passed a duck shaped training potty, a yo-yo, a dagger, and a bazooka, before finally finding what he was searching for: a bouquet of roses.. He walked up to the table Shampoo was standing by and offered her the flowers. "Will you go out with me?" He asked, acting calm for once.
He waited for a long time, before she accepted the gift and answered. "Ye- yes, I'd love to.." Mousse was about to start dancing with joy, but then he realized something. That wasn't Shampoo's voice.
Once again, he pulled out his coke bottle thick glasses and peered at what he had thought was Shampoo.
What he saw was a blurry girl, but a blurry turquoise clothed and blurry dark-haired girl, instead of the all purple blur he associated with Shampoo. Curse his poor vision!
Stuttering, he tried to explain his mistake but stopped when he felt heat on his back. He turned to see a blurry purple object surrounded by a blue blur. It was Shampoo. She stood, battle aura blaring around her and glaring at him with murder in her eyes. (In other words, she was doing her best "Akane is mad at Ranma" impression.)"Stupid, YOU ASK OUT OTHER WOMEN ON OWN TIME, MOUSSE!!!!" she shouted at him, like no one else could, then proceeded to beat the you know what out of him. The last thing Mousse saw before before blacking out was the hurt look on Shampoo's face... Or was he just imagining that?


This story is actually my first professional attempt at role-playing on Anything-goes-RP, a roleplaying mailing list., but I liked it so much I had to send it in as a real fanfic. ^_^
Please, tell me what you think, and if anyone's interested in role-playing and may want to check out a cool mailing list for one, please contact me at JEWISHIKOKU@iolusa.co
PS. The characters weren't mine. They're Rumiko Takahashi's