A Melody From Memory

A Melody From Memory

By Sandra (Moussel). Visit her webpage: All Mousse All the Time and don't forget to tell her what you thought of her story.


She stiffened, groaning inwardly. It was Mousse.

"Shampoo, what are you doing?"

She stood up. "Put on glasses! Shampoo is tending garden!" So stupid! she thought. He was smiling in that sappy way she hated.

"I...I have something for you," he said nervously. From behind his back he brought out a handful of flowers. "I picked these for you, to put a smile on your beautiful face!"

She slapped them from his hand. "Shampoo busy now. You have work to do!" His face fell. "But, Shampoo, I spent all afternoon..."

"Not interested. Goodbye, Mousse." She turned her back to him and bent down to continue digging.

"C...can I help?" he ventured.

"No! Shampoo have it under control."

"Do you...need anything? I can..."

"Mousse! Stop being stubborn and go help Great Grandmother!"

He made a sound of frustration. "Okay, Shampoo. I'll see you later."

"Going see Ranma tonight, no see you later."

He hung his head. "Okay."

It was an effort just to drag himself inside the Cat Cafe. His arms and legs felt like they weighed a ton each. No customers now, thank goodness.

"What's wrong with you, Mousse? You look sick," said Cologne from behind the counter.

He was about to say he wasn't, but then he changed his mind. "Yeah, I don't feel very well." He put his hand over his stomach.

"I'll not have you serving customers if you have the flu! Get upstairs right now!" she barked.

"Okay." He gratefully made his way to his room, closing the door and locking it behind him.

He went to his window and watched Shampoo digging in the garden. Her hair was pulled up behind her as she worked. "So beautiful," he murmured. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, to make her feel complete. But that would never happen, unless he suddenly became Ranma. What was Ranma's problem, anyway? When a wonderful girl like Shampoo was practically beating down his door...

It was no use thinking about it. Nothing made sense around here. No matter what he did, she still rejected him. She would never marry him, no matter how much he deluded himself otherwise. The next time she showed him any kindness, he would forget about all the rejections and cruelties and fall in love with her again, he just knew it. He left the window and laid down on his bed, fully clothed. He really did feel tired.

"I wish I could just forget about Shampoo altogether," he mumbled against his pillow as his eyes closed. One tear slid down his cheek and before it hit the pillow Mousse was already asleep.

"Where Mousse?" Shampoo asked the next morning.

Cologne looked up, surprised. "I don't know! He's never late for work."

Shampoo sighed. "I go get him, Great Grandmother. Don't worry."

Cologne nodded.

She knocked on his door. When there was no answer she tried to open the door, but it was locked. That's weird, she thought, he never locks his door! She knocked quietly, then loudly when he didn't come. Finally, she heard the lock unbolt.

A bleary-eyed Mousse greeted her. "Yes?" "Mousse! You late! Why you no get ready for work?"

He blinked, then rubbed his eyes. "Work? Can I help you?"

"Yes! Come to work!" She was getting mad now.

He stood, blinking myopically. "Do I know you?"

Shampoo jerked as if struck. "What you say?" she whispered. Then, regaining her voice, "What you talking, Mousse? I Shampoo! Stop joking and get ready!"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. Actually, I don't feel very well. I appreciate you giving me a room for the night. I can pay you..."

Shampoo slapped him on the head. "You..."

He grabbed her hand, anger flaring in his face. "Look! I said I appreciated your hospitality, but I won't take this kind of abuse! If you want me to leave, I'll go!"

Shampoo blinked, dumbfounded. "No, don't go," she said in a small voice. "You stay. I be back soon." She backed away, then ran down the short hall to the stairs. Her heart was thumping too fast. Mousse had never talked to her like that. Never had he grabbed her like that. She looked at her arm, where his fingers had left a pink mark.

"What's wrong, child?" asked Cologne. Shampoo explained as they went upstairs.

"Mousse?" said Cologne. "How are you feeling this morning?"

He smiled. "Thank you for asking, I'm feeling okay. I'm very grateful for a place to stay, I must have been feeling very awful indeed." He was packing his shoulder bag.

"Uh, what are you doing that for?" He blinked. "I thought I had overstayed my welcome. I was just packing. I tried to straighten up in here..."

"You haven't overstayed your welcome," said Cologne. She had to think fast. "Um, say...I really need some help around here. If you wanted to stay until you were fully recovered, I would be happy to employ you here. You could stay in this room."

He considered it. "What do you pay?"

She hesitated, then quoted his former salary.

He grimaced. "Uh, thank you, but I think I should be moving on." He looked down quickly, trying to conceal his embarrassment at her meager offer.

"I'm just kidding," she covered. Then she quoted him a salary that was closer to fair market value. "I can't afford much," she explained, "But the room and food is free."

He smiled, nodding. "Thank you. You are very generous. I would be happy to work here." He paused. "Uh, what would I be doing?"

"Cleaning up, waiting tables, that kind of thing. This is a restaurant."

He smiled again. "Oh! Okay! When do I start?"

"Whenever you are ready to come down." She looked sideways at Shampoo. "Shampoo will show you around first."

"Oh, good! I'm ashamed to admit I don't remember what your fine establishment looks like. And, uh, I have forgotten your name as well...?"

"Cologne," she offered. Mousse bowed in acknowledgement.

In the hall, she whispered to Shampoo. "Try to find out how much he remembers. This is very strange. See if he is faking."

"Yes, Great Grandmother!"

Shampoo returned to his room. He was unpacking again. "Ah, Shampoo!" he said happily. "Cologne is very kind to let me stay. Is she your grandmother?"

"Great Grandmother," she said. Then, in her native tongue she said, "She's my only family here in Japan."

He brightened, giving her a brilliant smile. "I knew you were Chinese! I thought your accent sounded very similar to mine! How amazing that we should meet here! Where is your home?"

Shampoo sighed. "We are from the Amazon village."

His expression changed. "But that's...I come from that area, too. I am sure I would have known you. I don't recall..."

She turned away, suddenly overcome by emotion. He seemed so sincere. Could he really have forgotten about her?

"I'm sorry." She could feel him close behind her. "Have I upset you? I didn't mean to offend."

"Mousse, you no remember Shampoo?" she said, reverting to Japanese.

He was silent for a moment. "Should I?" he said gently. "I'm very sorry. I feel so awkward."

"Is okay," she said, struggling past tears that threatened to come.

He put his hands on her shoulders, making her jump a little. So large, so warm.

"I apologize," he said. "Can you refresh my memory?" He turned her gently to face him. He was studying her, as if trying to place her face. What she saw was a complete lack of recognition.

"No. Shampoo thought you were someone else is all. Don't worry."

He smiled, relieved. "Oh, I see." He stepped back, locking his hands together under his sleeves. "Did Cologne say something about a tour?"

* * *

"Thank you for the tour," he said to Shampoo as they ate breakfast in a booth. "It's a very nice restaurant. I bet you get a lot of business."

"Yes. Mousse want more rice?"

He smiled. "That would be great! I'm really getting my appetite back. Thank you, Shampoo." He handed her the bowl.

"So, how is it going?" asked Cologne when she got to the counter.

"Is real, Great Grandmother. He no faking."

"This could be your lucky day, Great Granddaughter."

Shampoo looked down. "Yeah."

He nodded to her as she sat down in front of him. "You're not going to have any more?"

"Shampoo no hungry," she said. "Mousse, what you doing in Japan?"

He was about to answer, but seemed to pause and think a moment. "You know, I really don't know!" He laughed nervously. "I've had the oddest feeling of displacement today. I have to admit it's kind of scary. I'm sure it's just because I haven't been feeling well, though." He continued to eat.

Later, he was humming as he cleaned the storage room floor.

"What singing, Mousse?"

"Oh, it's just a little song that was stuck in my head this morning. I can't quite remember where it came from!" He cleared his throat, then hummed it again so she could hear.


Shampoo had dropped the box of open noodles she was carrying, sending them scattering all over the floor.

"Oh, Shampoo! Are you okay?" he asked, concerned. He set his mop aside and bent down to help her. She was trying to scrape them together with her hands. He gently caught her wrists, pulling her upright. "Why don't you let me clean this up, Shampoo? I don't mind. Are you okay?"

She was looking straight down at the floor. "Yes. I okay. Sure Mousse don't mind?"

"Of course not. I'm getting a wonderful breeze in here. It's a good day for sweeping." He chuckled lightly. He held both of her hands together between his large ones for a moment, then let them go and handed her another box of noodles. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She nodded and disappeared from the room.

"What a delicate girl," he whispered to himself. "Such small hands." Then he shrugged, resumed humming, and got the broom from the utility closet.

With the storeroom door safely closed behind her, Shampoo leaned against it, breathing deeply to restore calm. A tear moved down her cheek jerkily, as if unused to being there.

"Shampoo!" said a shocked Cologne. "What has upset you?"

"Mousse...he..." she sighed, letting out the last of the bad air. "He was humming."

Cologne waited expectantly for the rest of the story.

"He was humming song he used to sing to Shampoo. When we were children. Love song. I had to conk him many time before he finally stop singing it. He not sing it since we were five." She felt another tear. "Oh, Great Grandmother! It too much for Shampoo to take!"

She slid to the floor, the noodles between her legs, sobbing. Cologne put her hand to her forehead. "It will be all right, child. It will be all right." I hope.

* * *

Lunchtime brought Ranma to their door. "Yo! Shampoo! Got any food left?"

"Son-in-law!" greeted Cologne. "Shampoo will be out shortly."

"Hm. Okay." He sat at the bar.

Mousse came out, drying his hands. "Oh, hello! Welcome! Can I get you somehing?"

Ranma froze, a weird half-smile forming on his face. "Uh, sure. Whatever you have would be fine."

Cologne handed Mousse a huge bowl. "This is Ranma's favorite," she explained.

He put it down in front of Ranma. "Glad to meet you. My name is Mousse. I'll be working here for a while."

Ranma continued to smile his strange smile. "Uh, I know who you are, Mousse. What's with this? Is this some sort of technique?"

He looked at Cologne, confused. He turned back to Ranma, a sheepish grin on his face. "I'm sorry, sir. I haven't been feeling well these past few days and my memory isn't very complete. If I've met you previously, I don't recall. I apologize." He bowed slightly. "Thank you for your patronage." He turned to Cologne. "I'll keep doing the inventory, if that's okay with you."

She nodded and watched him leave.

Ranma decided that, as weird as that was, it didn't dent his hunger, so he dug in. "This is delicious!" he said around the food. "What's wrong with Mousse?"

"I'm not sure, son-in-law. He woke up like that this morning. It's like he has amnesia or something, but only selective amnesia. He does remember other things from his past. He remembers how to speak Japanese. It's very strange."

"Well, I like it. He's not trying to kill me and Shampoo isn't hanging all over me. I can enjoy my meal in peace." He proceeded to do so, complete with slurping noises.

Cologne studied Ranma, her eyes narrowed. Her thoughts soon returned to Mousse. Why the complete change? She couldn't fathom it.

The restaurant had closed an hour back and the night was cool and clear. Mousse sat on the patio, enjoying the night breeze.


He turned. Shampoo had two steaming bowls.

"You hungry?"

He stood. "Yes, as a matter of fact! Thank you, Shampoo. That's so thoughtful!" He waited for her to sit down, then joined her. The food was very delicious. He didn't realize how hungry he was until he smelled it.

"Isn't it lovely tonight?" he said.

"Yes." She looked at the stars as she ate.

Mousse couldn't help glancing at her. Her eyes. In the moonlight she looked even more ethereal. She was so kind, so generous. He shook his head slightly. Who knew how long he would be here? Besides, it sounded like Shampoo was promised to that guy Ranma. It would be impolite to think of her anyway, even if that weren't true. They were his employers, after all.

"What thinking, Mousse?"

He paused, mid-bite. Swallowing, he laughed nervously. "Just thinking about the beauty all around me tonight. I..." he was thoughtful for a second, "I feel like I'm seeing things with renewed vision. As if things are much more clear suddenly." He laughed. "I bet that sounds weird. I'm finding it difficult to explain. Do you know what I mean?" She nodded. "I think so." She had never heard him laugh so heartily before. He seemed happy, content. In a way, she liked him better now, but it hurt her that he couldn't remember her. Now he could be the friend she always wanted, instead of constantly proposing and suffocating her with his love. She was beginning to see that he was really...likable.

"Shampoo...miss China," she said.

He sighed. "I do, too, sometimes. I have such fond memories. I wish I could remember why I'm here. I mean, it's beautiful country and it seems like a nice place to live, but it's not home." He smiled, as if looking down at a newborn. "I love the simplicity of my village, the beauty of the landscape, the stillness and music of nature." He closed his eyes, remembering.

Shampoo felt her throat constrict. It was suddenly clear to her what a sacrifice Mousse made to follow her to Japan and live here this whole time in the hope that she would come around. Working at the restaurant, living in his tiny room, watching her as she hung all over Ranma...

He was looking at her. "What's wrong?" he said in their language.

"I was thinking about a friend of mine," she explained. "He...went away recently, and I find myself missing him. I didn't realize how important he was to me until he left. It makes me feel bad. I wish he would come back."

"Is this friend...special?" he asked.

She thought about it. "No," she admitted. "Just a friend. But he was very kind. I just hope he's happy. I...I want him to be happy."

"That's very nice of you to say. If he's not, I'm sure he would find a way to be. People don't like being miserable for too long. Maybe he'll come back if his journeys don't satisfy him."

She looked away. "I hope so. I think he would be happier here."

* * *

Shampoo was sitting in her room reading when she heard thumping and squawking from the bathroom. She ran in to find Mousse in his duck form flapping around, crashing into things. She scooped up some hot water from the tub and splashed him with it. A naked Mousse lay sprawled on the floor, panting heavily. In a moment he noticed Shampoo and grabbed for the towel, pulling it around his waist. Then he sat up, facing her. His eyes were wild.

"What...what happened?" he gasped.

Shampoo blinked, then suddenly realized that he didn't know about his cursed form. She went to him and put her arms around him. "Is okay," she soothed. She felt his arms encircle her. He was trembling violently.

"What's going on?" he sobbed.

She gently pushed his head down to her breast. He relaxed, sobbing. "I'm sorry," he moaned. "I'm such a burden."

"Shhh..." She stroked his hair and patted his shoulder. She rocked him slightly until the shaking subsided. He continued to cry and snuffle for a few moments, then sat up, wiping at his eyes.

"I don't understand," he said thickly. "I was getting ready for the bath, and was rinsing off, then I decided to rinse with cold water...you know, for firm skin...but...then..." he sobbed again, "I think I turned into a duck!"

He buried his face in his hands. He didn't make a sound, but Shampoo could tell he was crying again by the way his shoulders were shaking.

"Mousse, Shampoo can explain," she said, touching his shoulder.

He looked at her, pleading with his tear-filled eyes.

"Do you remember Jusenkyo?"

"Well, I know it's a famous training ground."

She sighed. "You went there to train. It has many cursed spring. You fall into Yahzu-Niichuan, Spring of Drowned Duck!" She paused. The light was still not going on behind his eyes. "Is tragic story of duck who drown there 1300 year ago. Now, anyone who fall in take body of duck when splashed with cold water!"

"But I..." He shook his hands in front of him. "I don't remember!"

Shampoo held him again. Cologne watched from the doorway, shaking her head. She wished she could do something for him.

Mousse laid in the tub, the towel still wrapped around his waist, as Shampoo lit the last of the scented candles. "This relax you," she said, blowing out the match.

"Thank you, Shampoo," he said. "You are so kind." He smiled at her. "You know, it's funny, but I feel so comfortable around you. It's like I've known you forever." He sighed. "I mean, look at me. I'm practically naked. Normally I'd be so embarrassed I wouldn't know what to do, but you don't make me feel that way." He blushed. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that, it's impolite."

"No, is okay, Mousse. Shampoo like it that you feel comfortable." She smiled. "Can I massage?"

His mouth dropped open. "I...don't want to impose."

"Is no impose." She sat behind him on the stool and began to massage his scalp. He relaxed, closing his eyes. Her fingers were so deft, so cool and small, they felt good on his scalp. She hummed as she did it and he recognized the tune he was humming this morning. She must have a terrific memory, he thought.

He was almost asleep when she finished. He sighed contentedly. "Thank you, Shampoo! That was very relaxing, indeed."

She smiled. "You welcome, Mousse."

He reached up and touched her face. Then, realizing what he was doing, snatched his hand back. "I'm sorry!"

She smiled and took his hand, bringing it back to her face. "Is okay," she whispered. He caressed her cheek briefly, then sat back.

"You'll made a wonderful wife for Ranma," he said.

She frowned, looking away. "Thank you, Mousse." When she looked back, his eyes were closed, a happy smile on his face.

"Oh, I could fall asleep right here, but I think I'll get out now and prevent a nasty drowning." Shampoo laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. He smiled, enjoying her demureness. He could tell she was strong and fiery, and these gentle moments always surprised him.

She left him to dry off. He pulled on shorts and a tank top for bed. He was exhausted, as if he had been awake for days. His scalp still tingled at the memory of her touch. When he went to bed he found the covers were pulled back for him. He went to Shampoo's room and saw through her open door that she was already in bed, sleeping. "Good night, Shampoo," he said softly, then padded back to his room.

The pillow felt wonderful as he sunk his head into it. He thought, after today's events, that he could get used to living here. "I just wish I could remember why I'm here in the first place," he mumbled against his pillow. He was asleep in moments.

* * *

The next morning, Shampoo sat in her sun filled room, brushing her hair, and wondered what to do about Mousse. Perhaps Great Grandmother knows how to cure him, she thought.

She cocked her head, listening for sounds from the hall. It sounded like heavy footsteps, getting louder and louder as they approached her door.

"Shampoo!" It was Mousse.

She turned, and he was in the doorway. "Shampoo! I have something for you!"

She blinked. He came in, banging his knee on the table, and handed her something wrapped in cloth. She opened it to reveal a scented candle. Jasmine, her favorite.


"Do you like it? I woke up this morning thinking about them so I had to get you one." He got down on one knee. "Will you burn it?"

She narrowed her eyes. "What talking...now?"

He took her hand, "Whenever it makes you happy!" He smiled in that sappy way. "I just want you to be happy, Shampoo, I'd do anything!" He kissed her hand. "I love you, Shampoo!"

She snatched her hand away. "Mousse!"

"Back to your old self, huh, Mousse?"

Mousse got up and spun around to face Ranma. "What are YOU doing here at this time of day, Ranma Saotome?"

Shampoo stood, too. "Ranma!"

Mousse looked at her, his expression pained, then said to Ranma, "Shampoo and I were talking, Ranma, so BUTT OUT!"

"Mousse, don't be rude!" she said, pushing past him. Ranma stared at him, a smug expression on his face.

"Ranma, I'll...!" Mousse yelled, running toward him. Shortly after, he was squawking and flapping his wings in frustration. Cologne was at the door, an empty glass in her hand.

"He seems to be feeling more normal," she said.

Ranma made a face at Mousse. "Ha, ha!" he chided. Shampoo poured her own glass of water over his head. A very feminine yelp came from his throat.

"What'd you do that for?" Ranma gasped.

"Stop being so mean to Mousse!" Shampoo said.

Both Ranma and Muu Muu Chan froze, confused.

"No breakfast today Ranma, you be late for school!" said Shampoo.

"Hey...what's this? I'll just go to Ucchans, then!"


Ranma's face darkened and she turned on her heel and left. Shampoo sighed. She looked around for Mousse but he wasn't there.



He was in the doorway, himself again.

"Why did you stick up for me to Ranma?" he was subdued, confused. She shrugged. "He no should pick on you, Mousse."

A goofy grin spread over his face. "Does this mean...that you LOVE me, Shampoo?" He hugged her tightly to him, sobbing.

She clobbered him on the head. "No be stupid! Shampoo no love you, she just no want fighting this early in the morning!"

He rubbed his head, then pulled a rose out of his sleeve, grinning again. "Marry me, Shampoo!" he said, offering it. She batted it away.

"Stupid! Go help Great Grandmother!"

He sighed, hanging his head. "Okay." He turned to go, but turned back to her. "Shampoo...do you know why my traveling bag was sitting out? I don't remember getting it for anything."

She blinked. "You no remember yesterday?"

"Of course I do. After slaving all day in this fiendish restaurant, I picked some flowers for you but you didn't want them, so I went to bed early. Why?"

She was confused, but tried not to show it. "No matter. Just go help set up for customer."

He looked worried. "Shampoo, you don't...want me to go, do you? You didn't set it out?"

She smiled and put her hand on his arm. "No Mousse. Shampoo no want you to go. Is only mistake it was out."

He looked down at her hand, back up at her, and smiled. He ran down the hall shouting "Give me whatever you can dish today, Shampoo smiled at me!" She heard him thunder down the stairs.

Laughing a little, she picked up the rose Mousse had offered. How he managed to keep fresh flowers up his sleeves without crushing them, she didn't know. She refilled her water glass and put the rose in. Just in case Mousse would see it, she put it on the table on the other side of her dressing shield, out of sight.

"Time for work!" she said, and went downstairs.