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EMF protection is afforded by the Teslar wristwatch, manufactured by ELF International, the same company responsible for the development of the Light Beam Generator (see "Shedding Light on Lymphatic Health," Alternative Medicine magazine, May, 2000). Named after Nikola Tesla, the inventor of alternating current and "father" of the technology it employs, the Teslar Watch produces its own energy field in the form of a "scalar wave," which has been shown to screen other ELF signals. At the same time the Teslar Watch radiates its own 8 Hz signal similar to the earth's natural resonance of 7 to 9 Hz, thus enabling the body to operate within its own natural frequency range. According to Valerie Hunt, Ph.D., and Professor Emeritus at UCLA, a renowned researcher of the human bioenergy field, scalar energy is created when two identical frequencies meet head on from opposite directions, canceling each other out to leave a stationary energy. "Currently, energy instruments only measure frequencies and wave lengths, not stationary energy," Dr. Hunt says, explaining why scalar energy is not widely discussed by most scientists. "However, studies at the Max Planck Institute showed that the scalar wave, like that created by the Teslar Watch, caused the unclumping of lymph and blood cells. Then the smooth flowing circulatory systems brought nutrients to cells and tissues, and removed chemical and cellular wastes, resulting in improved healing and immune capacity." While it might seem hard to believe that a tiny signal emitted from a watch could produce such health benefits, the Teslar Watch has been endorsed by a variety of leading doctors, including Doris Rapp, M.D., a specialist in the field of environmental medicine, and John Upledger, D.O., developer of craniosacral therapy.


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