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Maxine's Anointed Corner

Hi, You have made your way to an anointed place where there is a blessing in store for you. I believe that everyone who comes to this site has not landed here by mistake but by the divine intervention of God. My name is Maxine Abigail Buckman,and I am from a rich and beautiful country in West Africa formally known as the Gold Coast and currently known as Ghana. I am the wife of the handsome Selwyn Lloyd Adote Buckman and the proud mother of Chrislaine Emily Aku Buckman and Lisette Elin Adukwei Buckman. I am a graduate of The University of Texas @ Austin. I like to say that I have a big family and a few friends.

Here is a bit about what this page is about. This page came about as I was browsing the net and thought it would be nice to have a webpage. was the first webpage host I came upon when viewing a friend's page. It all started as a joke and eventually turned out into something interesting and now I am addicted to it. This page has come a long way and I am finally getting a hang of it.

My initial purpose for this page was to meet people over the internet but gradually, that purpose changed to include spreading the word of God over the internet and also to provide a place for people to refresh their minds and have a feel for God's Love.

You are welcome to explore this page and the other links that you will find here. You will learn more about me in the links right below so go right ahead and explore. Do not forget to sign or view my Guest book because I will be getting in touch with you. Stay blessed. Peace.

What You Will Find Here

All You Want To Know About Me

My Resume

The Word of God for You Today

You Will Like These Just As I Do

Trans Atlantic Coorporation-An Import and Export Company

Kwame Yeboah's Page-A Fellow Ghanaian Friend

Ghana's Webpage

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