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Diana's List of Home School Supplier Links


For a supplier to be listed on this page is not an endorsement. This page was created initially for my own benefit so that I would always be able to find the information I needed on the various businesses whose catelogs and materials I frequently look through when deciding on materials. New links are now being added to make this page helpful to as many people as possible. The Vendors are listed alphabetically, rather than by subject. This is the format that I was needing most, since many other web pages have already been created that list the materials by subject.

I will add Links as I discover them. Feel free to e-mail me to let me know of home pages you would like me to consider adding. Here are my links so far:

The ABC's of Parenting is devoted to providing websurfers with reviews and ratings of the absolute best websites of interest to families and parents-to-be.

A Beka Book - Offering complete array of curriculum materials for use at home or in a school setting. Colorful, fun, somewhat expensive. Call, write, or e-mail for catalog: A Beka Book, Station TH, PO Box 18000, Pensacola FL 32523-9160 (800-874-3592). E-mail here: A Beka Book.

The Academy of Home Education, through Bob Jones University. The Academy is for those homeschooling teens. Oversight program, guidance, record- keeping, diplomas. Helpful for a smooth transition to college. Write, call, or e-mail: The Academy of Home Education, Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC 29614 - 1-888-253-9833, E-mail: The Academy of Home Education.

Alpha Omega Publications Alpha Omega Publications, 300 N McKemy, Chandler AZ 85226-2618. To phone, (800) 622-3070

Alpha-Phonics - a complete system for beginning readers of all ages. Samuel L. Blumenfeld, a leading authority on the teaching of reading, has spent the last 25 years writing on American education. His Alpha-Phonics has provided a simple, no nonsense phonics system for over fifteen years. A complete kit is available with everything parent or tutor will need to teach reading, or items can be purchased separately. As an added bonus, assistance is always available by calling an Alpha-Phonics Telephone Tutor. Call, write or e-mail: Literacy Unlimited, Inc., 31724 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, CA 92587 (888) 922-3000; Alpha-Phonics, or customer service @ Customer Service.

Answers in Genesis, P.O. Box 6330, Florence, KY 41022 (1-800-778-3390, or fax 1-606-371-4448). Ken Hamm, organization to help students understand how creation is always correct even in the face of apparent scientific evidence to the contrary. Were the scientists actually there when it happened? The scientific method requires that conclusions be based upon OBSERVATION! Hey, Ken,... Get on the WEB!

Artes Latinae, being provided by Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, is a practical and easy to use language program for learning Latin. For ages 10 and up, Artes Latinae is even available on CD-ROM, with restored Classical and Ecclesiastical pronunciations. Mary Pride says, "Artes Latinae wins here, hands down." Visit their Web site, write, call, or e-mail for more information: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc., 1000 Brown St., Unit 101, Wauconda, IL 60084-3120 - 800-392-6453; fax: 847-526-2867; e-mail: Artes Latinae.

Association of Christian Schools International - Build character on a solid Biblical foundation. Help your child learn how to live according to Biblical standards in a secular society. ACSI will send free catalog, and free information on their new Character Foundation Curriculum (designed for grades K - 6), which emphasizes character traits such as obedience, attentiveness, neatness, patience, truthfulness, self-control, and forgiveness. Visit them on the Web, or write to: Association of Christian Schools International, P.O. Box 35097, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3509.

Atco School Supply - Over a thousand titles to choose from! Christian-based & carefully selected secular textbooks and supportive materials for homeschoolers. Request free catalog: Atco School Supply, Inc., 425 E. Sixth St., #105, Corona, CA 91719 - (909) 272-2926; fax: (909) 272-3457; orderline: (888) 246-ATCO; or e-mail your request: Atco School Supply, Inc.

Audio Memory - Offers great learning system providing songs to help children memorize fun and important facts and information: Grammar Songs; States and Capitals; Multiplication; Addition Songs; Subtraction Songs; Bible Songs. E-mail here: Audio Memory, or phone: 800-365-SING.

The Back Pack - America's affordable Home School Resource - New and used textbooks and supplemental materials. Free "Trivium Edition" Catalog and used book list. Visit web site or write: The Back Pack, P.O. Box 125, Ernul NC 208527

Amanda Bennett's Unit Study Adventures - great link to pursue unit study ideas.

The Back Pack - America's affordable home school resource for new and used textbooks and supplemental materials. Free '99 Trivium Edition catalog and used book list. Check their web site or write to: The Back Pack, P.O. Box 125, Ernul, NC 28527.

Bob Jones University Press - Christian curriculum supplier, carrying all subject courses for pre-K through 12th grade. Call, write, or e-mail for free catalog: Bob Jones University Press, Greenville SC 29614-0062, (800) 845-5731, Fax (800) 525-8398 (In Greenville SC call 242-5100 ext. 3300). E-mail here: BJU Press.

The Book Cellar - Buying and selling used homeschool curriculum. E-mail (The Book Cellar) for more information (include your telephone # w/area code), or write or call: The Book Cellar, 3 Nichols Rd., Amherst, NH 03031 (Fax: 603-594-0866; phone: 800-338-4257, order line).

Calvert School - you can bring a classic, comprehensive home instruction program to your child! This program provides everything, even the pencils! Some people swear by it. (Joyce Swann used it with all her children.) I found it a disadvantage, though, that they cannot split up graded material in different subjects. A child doing 3rd grade math, 10th grade reading, and 8th grade spelling must take 3rd grade everything... But go ahead and see their web-page, call, or write. Maybe it's just what you need right now. Calvert School, 105 Tuscany Rd., Baltimore, MD 21210-3098; (410) 243-6030, ask for Dept. TRED48; fax: (410) 366-0674.

Christian Liberty Academy - an outstanding educational leader providing quality education at a price you can afford. Visit their web-site (above). Call or write for a free information packet: Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W Euclid Ave, Arlington Heights IL 60004 (800) 832-2741. I tried to e-mail from their web-site, but it didn't seem to be working. They are workng on the web-site currently. Books by CLA are published under the publisher of Christian Liberty Press.

Christian Light Publications - A Bible-based homeschool curriculum by a Mennonite publisher for grades 1-12. See Mary Pride's Big Book of Home Learning. Free catalog and information booklet. Call or write: Christian Light Education, P.O. Box 1212-N, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-1212; (540) 434-0750. E-mail orders to: Christian Light Publications

The Classics . . . A complete elementary curriculum (except math & phonics), based on time-honored children's literature. For more infor mation write or call: The Helping Hand, P.O. Box 496316, Garland, TX 75049 (800-460-7171). Or e-mail at: The Classics.

Cobblestone Publishing Co. Cobblestone Publishing Company is well-known for their growing collection of outstanding children's magazines, including Cobblestone, Faces, Calliope, and Odyssey; and their newest magazines: Appleseeds, Footsteps, and California Cobblestone. But this company also produces exceptional learning resources, such as topical theme packs, lesson plans, Teaching with Primary Sources volumes, U.S. and World History Sourcebooks and much more! For a free copy of the colorful 40 page Cobblestone catalog write to 30 Grove St., Ste C, Peterborough, NH 03458-1454; or call 1-800-821-0115; email: Cobblestone Publishing Co..

Continuing Education Press, Portland State University, P.O. Box 1394, Portland, OR 97207 - featuring Italic Handwriting, by Getty/Dubay. Write to them with your name and address to request more information, and ask for a FREE Handwriting Desk Strip.

CROWNED WITH SILVER - a bi-monthly (6 times a year) publication presenting helpful thoughts on: manners and etiquitte; old-fashioned child training; feminism vs. femininity; stories that haven't been told in 200 years! Subscription price: $12/yr. Write to: CROWNED WITH SILVER, P.O. Box 144, Florence, CO 81226-0144.

Curriculum Associates, Inc. , or e-mail at:Curriculum Associates, Inc. New web page at: Curriculum Associates

Davidson & Assoc., Inc. A christian based supplier of Sunday school curriculum. Not much else.

DESIGN-A-STUDY, by Kathryn Stout. She creates study guides for math, history, spelling, science, the Mayas, and much more. Using her guides, you can know what to teach your children at every grade level. E-mail at DESIGN-A-STUDY to request free pamphlet.

Doorposts - Bible-based, parent-designed, family-tested products to help you apply Scripture in your home. Their products include: For Instruction in Righteousness; Plants Grown Up; Polished Cornerstones; If/Then Chart; Blessing Chart; Brother Offended Checklist; and many more great, scripture-rooted products. Call, fax, write, or e-mail: Doorposts, 5840 SW Old Hwy 47, Gaston, OR 97119 (503) 357-4749; e-mail: Doorposts.

Eagle's Wings Educational Materials - Susan Mortimer's Create-A-Notebook Series. This is a method to study history and understand the Bible, and to study the Bible and understand history. Volume 1 covers Adam to Moses, and is a hands-on history/social Studies course with an introduction to linguistics, anthropology and archeology in light of God's hand in history. Eagle's Wings Educational Materials, P.O. Box 502, Duncan, OK 73534 (580) 252-1555 (call or write for free brochure) E-Mail: Eagle's Wings.

Elijah Co. Their free catelog would be worth having if you had to pay for it! Also you may e-mail at: Elijah Co.

Farm Country General Store or e-mail:Farm Country General Store

FergNus Services, the makers of the first Lesson Planner that I ever loved! They provide a 200-day Lesson Planner with a jelly-proof cover with special logs for library trips, field trips and much more. They also carry The Homeschooler's High School Journal, Christian Character (for training youth to have habits that will lead to Godly Character), Christian Manhood, God's Priceless Woman, Summer Books (workbooks for language and math through the summer), and their Soap-Making Kit. Write for more information: FergNus Services, P.O. Box 578-C, Richlandtown, PA 18955-0578, or call (610) 282-0401.

Greenleaf Press on Line to see all you need to study history by unit study method, particularly ancient civilizations.

Heritage Institute - Oversight program which provides School of Tomorrow curriculum, complete record keeping services, and diagnostic testing. Call or write for complete information and an application: Heritage Institute, Inc., 11530 - 112nd Street, Cologne, MN 55322 - (612) 466-2414, or e-mail: Heritage Institute.

Homeschooling Book Club - To join or get more information, call, fax, or write: HBC, 1000 E. Huron, Milford, MD 48381; Order line: 1-800=-421-6645 ; calls: 248-685-8773; fax: 248-685-8776. Requires no commitment. Receive 4 expansive Club Bulletins each year at no cost. Select from a wide range of titles and subject areas, some new, many offered on a continuous basis. Commitment to offering customers good materials and good service at great prices.

The Home School Books & Supplies, 104 S. West Ave., Arlington, WA 98223 - "The closest thing to one stop shopping in the home school industry . . ." - Mary Pride. Call or write for free catalog - 1-800-788-1221.

Home School Digest - Homeschooling in Biblical Perspective! This quarterly magazine has nearly 100 pages in each issue. It's emphasis is on family discipleship for the purpose of developing Christian character and a Biblical worldview. Cost is $18.00/yr. Write to: Wisdom's Gate, P.O. Box 374, Covert, MI 49043.

The Homeschool Exchange - contact them to see if anyone is currently trying to sell something that you are currently looking for. This is a small newspaper out of Florida (?) that helps match up buyers and sellers of used homeschooling materials. They try to sell subscriptions to their newspaper - very inexpensive, with group rates for support groups ordering in quantity.

Homeschool Math, a new program to make math fun and easy for homeschoolers. Check it out.

Home Training Tools - affordable science tools for small schools. They offer over 800 products for grades K-12 to help give your children important hands-on skills for studying and understanding God's creation. Free catalog, including teaching tips, by calling or writing: Home Training Tools, 2827 Buffalo Horn Drive, Laurel, MT 59044-8325; 1-800-860-6272.

How Great Thou Art - a complete homeschooling art curriculum. Publication strives for a complete, Godly curriculum to meet the need of every homeschooling family, or those working in an independent environment. E-mail, call, or write: How Great Thou Art, P.O. Box 211/Dept. THC, Bishopville, MD 21813 (410-352-3319). Ask for free catalog.

KidsArt - the easy way to teach art at home! From Leonardo to Rembrandt, it is packed with exciting projects and fascinating facts that bring great art to life for children. Combines art history with hands-on projects. Choose from popular KidsArt titles. For ages 6 to 13. With your order you will receive, FREE, the ART TEACHING MATERIALS CATALOG. Visit their website, or write to: KidsArt, P.O. Box 274, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067.

King's Harvest - carrying an eclectic collection of family tried and true homeschooling materials, only carrying items that they feel they can recommend. Homeschooling from a Christian perspective. Do not carry mainstream materials.

KONOS-Mom Page; or check out Jessica Hulcy's KONOS page - Unit studies based on Christian character traits, which are interwoven with studies that cover science, history, language arts, art, music,... everything except phonics and math. Recommended phonics to use: The Writing Road to Reading; recommended math: Making Math Meaningful, by Cornerstone Curriculum Project. Call, write, or e-mail for more information. You will be referred to a Konos representative in your area: Konos, PO Box 250, Anna TX 75409, (972) 924-2712, Fax (972) 924-2733. To email: KONOS

Lewis Educational Games - offering especially game called "ElementO", board game which teaches about the elements that make up our universe. E-Mail to: Lewis Educational Games .

M&M Software - "The best educational software library of public domain & shareware in the universe!" For $4.95/month you get unlimited downloads to MacIntosh & Windows (Apple II and MS Dos available on disk). Visit web-site, call, write, or e-mail for more information: M&M Software, P.O. Box 15769, Long Beach, CA 90815; (800) 642-6163 or (562) 420-2655; fax: (562) 420-2955; e-mail: M&M Software.

Mathpert - Mathematics software, a revolutionary learning technology that guides students from high school- level algebra to pre-calculus through college-level calculus. Free demo; call today: 1-800-361-1001. (Web-site has complete information.)

Modern Curriculum Press

Moody Press

Moving with Math - Your math solution for home school. Easy-to-use Pre-K to 8 Program with fun, interactive workbooks; guided, hands-on games and activities with manipulatives; thinking strategies to help children remember math facts. Call to get your FREE sampler: (800) 852-2435. Address: Moving with Math, by Teachers Press, Inc., 5100 Gamble Dr., Minneapolis, MN

NATHHAN NEWS magazine - published quarterly, is a publication which focuses on the special challenges of homeschooling special needs children. Includes a family directory (over 900 families), a lending library, and a parent learning center. Membership is $25/year. Contact Nathhan News at: Nathhan News, or call or write: Nathhan, 5383 Alpine Rd., SE, Olalla, WA 98359 (253) 857-4257.

National Driver Training - a parent-taught driver's education and training program. Program includes: parent/teacher manual; student workbook; 24-hour toll-free help line; Program review and test evaluation; certificate of driver's ed. completion (for insurance discounts; and includes all shipping and handling. Complete program only $149.00. See web-page. Call or write: National Driver Training LLC, P.O. Box 948, Monument, CO 80132-9902 - 1-800-219-0546.

The National Library of Poetry - They currently are conducting a poetry contest with $48,000 in prizes, awarded annually. There is no entry fee, and no purchase required. Send one poem, any subject, any style, 20 lines or less. Enter on line, or write to: The National Library of Poetry, Suite 3634, 1 Poetry Plaza, Owings Mills, MD 21117-6282.

Nature Friend Magazine, Dept. TH, P.O. Box 73, Goshen, IN 46527-0073, or call (219) 534-2445. Magazine promoting wholesome family values, published monthly; for ages 4-14 and older; realistic, character- building stories; science articles with inexpensive, in-home experiments puzzles, projects, facts, fun; spiritual lessons from nature. Two sample issues for $5.00 postpaid. One-year subscription: $22.00.

Noble Books - Gregg & Sono Harris - e-mail address only.

Nordic Software - providing software for preschool through grade 12, with Bible-based software, dinosaur software, money, math, time, language, and vocabulary. Visit web-page or write to: Nordic Software, P.O. Box 83499, Lincoln, NE 68501-9432.

Oak Meadow School - Believe children learn best through doing. Have been providing creative, flexible and challenging homeschooling materials for thousands of families around the world for over 20 years. Oak Meadow School E-Mail. Pencil Playground - Creative writing for homeschoolers, by Jeanne Mulligan. Writing skills, outlining skills, organizational skills, student oriented directions, no parent preparation. Write or call: Estella Graphics, RR3, Box 369, Montrose, PA 18801; phone: 717-278-4504; fax: 717-278-4230.

The Phonics Game - People are raving about it! I haven't used it myself, but it sounds appealing! It is a complete, systematic, and explicit phonics teaching program in game form. Since it is fun, children are motivated to learn. Available from: A Better Way of Learning, 150 Paularino Ave., Ste. 120, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-9960 (1-888-792-7323). Comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Positive Action For Christ presents ProSeries Bible Study, from the specialists for home schoolers. A challenging Bible study intended to stir hearts, not just fill minds, emphasizing growth over grades. Positive Action For Christ, Dept. HS, P.O. Box 1948, Rocky Mt., NC 27802-1948 (800) 688-3008.

Power-Glide - Foreign Language for Home School - Designed expecially for home school families. Power- glide's multi-sensory approach combines fun, easy to use, and effective methods into one comprehensive program. Recommended by Cathy Duffy and Kathy Von Duyke.

The Providence Project - providers of CalcuLadder, ReadyWriter, & Alpha Better. Information on SanctiFinder Bible book drills. Information on the reproducible MasterPaks. Instructions and ordering information. Discounts on everything. Trial Pak for $3.00. VISA & MC order toll- free: 1-888-776-8776, Ask for Dept. C3M4, or write to The Providence Project, Dept. C3M4, 14566 NW 110th St., Whitewater, KS 67154.

Randi's Reruns Homeschool Resources is a source for pre-owned and new curriculum and books at a discount, as well as games, puzzles, flashcards, etc. They also have a chat room, free bulletin board for posting "wanted" ads, a product reviews section, kids' contest and brag board. They invite you to visit them and see what you think.

Unofficial Rod & Staff Page Rod & Staff Publishers, Inc., Box TTH, Crockett, KY 41413- 0003, ph.: (606) 522-4348; fax: (606) 522-4896. A Mennonite Publisher providing high-quality, low cost materials for schools and homeschools alike. Write, call, or fax for a free catalog.

Saxon Publishers, Inc. - Home study program for phonics, reading, spelling, handwriting, math. Call or write for more information or a catalog: Saxon Publishers, Inc., 2450 John Saxon Boulevard, Norman, OK 73071; (800) 284-7019.

School of Tomorrow PO Box 299000, Lewisville TX 75029-9000, (800) 925-7777, (972) 315-1776,

Small Ventures, 11023 Watterson Drive, Dallas, TX 75228 (972) 631-1728. Specializing in The Writing Road to Reading, by Romalda Spaulding, and Bonnie Detmer's Curriculum Guide for using The Writing Road. Small family owned business, reasonable prices, specialty items. Hey, Bonnie, get a web page!

Teaching Home Magazine - A Christian Magazine for Home Educators. Written in a format that includes letters from readers; calendar-based information for student study; teaching tips; news on national issues; legal news; state and national organzations and events; state newsletters; and each month a special section focusing on a special topic.

Tapestry 0f Grace - An interdisciplinary curriculum plan for grades K-12. This is my absolute favorite curriculum for teaching upper grades! (Also terrific for teaching lower grades, but I was not using it yet when my children were in the lower grades.) Check out their fantastic page!

Thumbprints, 2633 Partridge Tr., Duluth, GA 30155 (1-770-476-5029) - Kathy Burton. A place where your child's writing can be published. Subscription: 6 issues/year for $12.00. Hey, Kathy, get on the Internet!

Usborne Books - Marcia Somerville, Educational Consultant. Call 800-705- 7487 any time to order books or ask for information on a great home business the whole family will love.

This page last updated on 1/30/00.

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