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Hello There Welcome To My Page!

Well i guess you would like to know the information about me right? Well I am kinda a Sad Lonely and Depressed person in the inside But I love to make people laugh on the outside!!

My name is Mary i am 18 years old From Maryland. I am 5"6 117lbs Lite Brownish Blonde Short hair & green eyes I am the youngest of six, 3 boys and 3 girls we are like the Brady Bunch *LOL* Here is a Picture of me.

I enjoy talking to people that make me laugh and touch my heart. I like to draw, creating pictures on my computer. I like reading i love reading and writing pomes I am currently looking for employment now but i am planning to go to art school i don't really want to go to college even though i know everyone says it will do me good in life. I just don't really desire it My Passion burns for art so i am going for that goal of art school I hope it works for me.

I don't really have anyone really in my life right now and really aren't looking anymore. Staying single for a while been hurt to much and to many times so don't wanna put myself through that again. However i know my soul mate is out there waiting for me i need but to find him.

Well now i think i have given enough infomation about myself and my feelings so now my likes and dislikes. In Music My favorite song is On the side of angels by Leann Rymes, It gives me Hope in life everytime i hear it. The song touches me in no way no other has

I like the groub Limp Bizkit i love the song N 2gether now when i get mad at something or someone i listen to it and gets rid of my anger and fustraition helps me cope with my stress. And My All time Favorite song has to be Some where out there, That song was sang to me by my teachers in elementry school right before i was passed on to middle school and it is something i will never ever forget! My dislikes I don't like any music that doesn't espaire me in anyway Or that makes me think or feel about life Like Britney Spears I don't like her or her music cause i feel she is fake and not true to herself and she is a concedded person and i can't stand someone that is like that This is just my oppion you don't have to agree or not. But it is how i feel so i hope i have not offened anyone.

Now my Favorite movie and tv shows , My favorite movie is Where the heart is. It is a beautiful movie that makes you apprecaite life. And I love how it was written =) It is a good movie if you haven't seen it already go see it! My favorite Tv Show's Are Dawson's Creek , I love Pacey Played by Josh Jackson he is so cute and adds so much laughter and happiness to the show! Rosewell, I like it for it's sci-fi plot. it is a very cool show =) And last be not least Resturection Blvd. It's About a latino family who live in LA and fight to survive by boxing it is a good show and the coolest part is that it is the first show to have latino's in front and behide the cammars. My favorite Chacter is Carlos the second to the oldest Brother He is played by Micheal DeLorenzo He is a Babe! *LOL* I still watch his old work on New York Undercover he is a great actor and i luv him! Here is a few pictures of him

He's very handsome isn't he?

I didn't Paint this picture but i just love the little thoughts and quotes on it they are really funny *LOL*

Well i think that's all i can say about me ohhh i forgot to tell you my ICQ # and chat names. Where here they are My ICQ # is 73669605 and my nick name on AIM is Rosemarry16 feel free to add me to both if you have them. Well that is it for now. I will be adding more so keep your eyes on a look out! Thank's for comming Hope to see you again and please sign my guest book =) Take care *hugz to all and to all i bid you a goodbye*

..::My Favorite Linx::..

More Pictures Of My Friends & Family
Pome I Wrote
My Shout Outs
My Friend Mandi's Page
My Friend Ashy's Page
My Friend Duckay's Page