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For those of you who have been here before, I have definitely made some changes. The only people who can find this page are the ones that I give the address to, so consider yourself lucky. *L* Anyway, this is mostly for my family to keep themselves up to date with my little part of the family. I will try and keep this as up to date as possible, but right now, my scanner isn't hooked up so there aren't going to be any new pictures for a little while. As soon as I can clear some space for the scanner software, I will get more pictures on here. Let's go through the basics. I will turn 21 at the end of December. Caitlyn turned 4 in July. *L* I am still working on the family tree and will have that posted on here soon, I hope. Once I get that on here, anyone who can add information, please e-mail me at vlease@yahoo.com. I still need information on the Lease family and have quite a bit to gather from the Braun side too. Grandmom Eileen, if you ever get the chance to check this out, please fill in as much of the blanks as you can for me. I don't know Grandpop's parents names or any info on them. I also need information on Uncle Michael (Braun) and his family. I know he has a daughter named Lydia, but I don't know if that is his only child or if he has more. I also don't know his wife's name. From the Lease family, I need my dad's grandparents information. Another thing that would be nice from the Lease side are pictures. Thanks to Aunt Laurie Anne, I now have pictures of Jenn, Michelle, and Kristina posted on here. She just sent me a whole bunch of pictures and I will get them on here soon. I promise. Uncle Michael, it would be nice to get a picture of Samantha and Jessica. Uncle David, I don't know your kids either. You Leases need to learn how to keep in touch. *L* Talk to everyone later. Love, Valerie

By the way...please sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page so I know who loves me. *L*

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