Girlz Club

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Hi! I'm Jessica, prez of this club. So you've come here and you're probably thginkin: "What the heck is the point of this club???" Well that's what I'll tell you! It's for GIRLS! Do you want to share your experiences? Need advice? Fashion tips? Penpals? Do you just wanna chat with some other girls? Well then this page is for YOU! Just join: click my address at the bottom of the page and write me a few phrases about yourself: your name, your age, wheter or not you want to be listed in the penpal are, , your country, and a little bit about youu. OK? It's simple! Please join! Do YOU have a suggestion? You know what do do, don't you? EMAIL ME! My old page crashed, so this is new. It's under construction, but it's there! You'll get a newsletter once a month! And trust me, it's worth it! C'mon! If you've surfed this far, just join the club and check it out! Thanks! Hey you guys! Check the member page! And new policy. Inless you state otherwise, you are put on the penpal page. I have a special thing on the member page, look and see! Check jobs, too. In memory of Princess Diana, 1961-1997. MAJOR QUESTION! SHOULD WE ADD A SECTION FOR GUYZ? POST YOUR ANSWERS ON THE BOARD OR THE GUESTBOOK! Sign My Guestbook
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-Jessica This Interactive Girl Ring belongs to *Girlz Club*
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