Looking For Linkage???

Hola! Hopefully, I will be able to add more links as time progresses, but for now, these are the Creme de la Creme that I have found.... As you leave Katie's World, let me thank you for your visit and wish you a pleasant, enjoyable,and safe journey along the Information SuperHighway!

Vampire Linkage

Sci Fi Channel's Forever Knight Page
Vamp Who!
Forever Knight
Dark Side of the Net's Link Page

Witches Brew Linkage

Inner Alchemy
Enchanted Encounters
Alchemy Web Site and Virtual Library
Occult Information
Incantations and Rites
Spells and Rites **One of the best sites I have seen!!**

Katie's Patented Picks Linkage

Hugh Jackman *yummy*
Geordie Johnson *eye candy to die for*
Tigger Dance (I have kids. What are you gonna do??)
Wave Files!!!
Misty's Picture Gallery (My College Roomie's Page)
Geordie Johnson... Again... I can't get enough of this man!!
Stratford Theatre Festival Home Page
Children's Past Lives Very Informative page!!