The Mastiff breed is a gentle, caring, loving, loyal, desiring to please breed of dog. The Mastiff will go out of it's way to be loyal to it's family. The Mastiff needs to be treated as a member of it's human family. Although some will say the Mastiff is not a smart breed, I say the Mastiff breed is a breed that thinks for itself and slowly decides "I will do this to please my master." Like a child the Mastiff should be rewarded when being a good dog. Like a child the Mastiff should not be rewarded when being bad. Punishment such as hitting is harsh and should never be done with any dog...a mere dissatisfaction in the tone of your voice is enough to let a Mastiff know that you are not pleased with him. You need not yell, just the tone of your voice is enough to get through to a Mastiff. To make a Mastiff cower is an insult to the breed. For many years the Mastiff has been bred as a dog to show great dignity and one that displays loyalty to it's family. To tear down his dignity is an insult to the Mastiff.

A cute little Mastiff puppy is going to grow to be a large dog. If any dog is not properly trained it can be a menace to the public and an embarrassment to it's owner. If you are a novice in owning a dog it is important that you learn proper training methods for your dog. Socialization and training are both important stages of a Mastiff puppy's life. In doing the proper training with your Mastiff you will be saving you and your family many heart aches as the dog matures.

The Mastiff is classified as a member of a group of dogs know as Molosser breeds. Some Molosser breeds closely resemble and are often confused as being a Mastiff. Not all Molosser breeds have the temperament of a Mastiff. Some Molosser dogs are bred for traits other than being docile family members, thankfully, the Mastiff is not one of these breeds.

Through the years as you experience being the owner of a Mastiff, you will further understand and come to realize the many rewards of being owned by this "Gentle Giant" known as "The Mastiff".