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Raye (SailorMars)

Raye is the beautiful and strong. She is also fiery, aggressive, and the opposite of Serena in many ways. Rei lives with her grandfather at the temple on Cherry Hill. Rei is bossy, and known as a "queen" at her school.Raye has a talent for singing and songwriting, has the the power to see the future, and can also sense the presence of evil. She goes out on many dates, a few with Darien in the earlier episodes. She argues with Serena, telling her that she is unfit to be the leader many times, but later on she acknoledges her as the leader (although that does not stop them from fighting.

Real Name:Raye Hino
Age: 14
Birthday: April 17th
Star sign: Aries
Aspires to be: Singer/Songwriter
Least Favorite Subjects: Modern Social Studies
Hobbies: Fortune Telling
Favorite Color: Red and Black
Least Favorite Food: Canned Asparagus
Strong Points: Confident, Focused
Favorite Food: Pizza

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