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Haruka (SailorUranus)

Haruka showed up with Sailor Neptune in search of the three talismans that form the Holy Grail that can save the world. She looks like a boy, and many girls say she is a handsome boy. She likes wearing the school uniform for guys, she like car racing (which is an activity that is associated with guys). Michiru is the love of her life, and this relationship is a controversial one in the Sailor Moon show. More information on the quest for the three talismans can be found in Michiru's character page.

Real Name:Tenoh Haruka Age: 17 Birthday: January 27 Star sign: Aqaurius Aspires to be: A professional race car driver Least Favorite Subjects: Modern Japanese Hobbies: Racing, playing the piano, flirting Favorite Color: Gold Favorite Food: Salad Least Favorite Food: Natto Strong Points: Car Racing

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