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Links to our lyrics

Here are some links to our lyrics... enjoy!

Check out our new songs: "Collision Decision (Decide to Collide)," "The Plagal Good" and Fairweather Industries." "A Broken Heart, A Broken Law" will be up soon!

Only If It's An Emergency

Megaclip (Jon & Josh)
Thought process (Jon)
A Second Chance (Jon)
Collision Decision (Decide to Collide) (Jon)
Overcome (Justin & Jon)
Talk To You (Justin)
A Broken Heart, A Broken Law (Jon)
Fairweather Industries (Jon)
The Plagal Good (Jon)
Cognito (Verses- Justin, Chorus- Jon)
Upkayolay (Jon & Vivek)
Jet Lag (Jon)

Main Page (Note: this is not a song)