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LuSus NaTuRAe 

                           This  is the "point". The point where  reality and fantasy merged  together
                                    as one. A point that was made  to capture the real essence  of human emo-
                                    tions -  the fear,  the love, the  happiness,  the guilt, the joy,  the wrath, the
                                    anger, and sadness. Emotions that often act without the benifit of our own
                                    intellect. Through  this  point, all these phantasmagoria of feelings was un-
                                    leashed  to  give  fulfillment  to  one's heart.  Bringing  laughter  to a lonely
                                    soul, or insult to a  lively  spirit. In  it's  simple  way of  contributing  to  the
                                    vast and  complicated tepestry of life - a fabric  was  woven  as a piece of a
                                    puzzle to add to it's unexplained nomenclature of splendor and beauty. The
                                    intricate yet fascinating  riddle of this  point  was answered by an ordinary
                                    earthling - in his quest for  the  sublimal  knowledge that shaped this world
                                    since  time  began.  As  you unravel  the web  pages of this java-enhanced
                                    site one-by-one, an answer could  be  found - hidden  behind  every  image
                                    or  picture  that you  will  encounter as you go  along. But everything does
                                    not  end  there  because  a  link  was   established  to  take you  to  another
                                    totally  different  yet  outrageously  cool  world  -  another  point in a place,
                                    known  to man  as the Cyberspace.  And it's up to you, my fellow Netizens,
                                    to  spread  the  Uniform  Resource  Locator  of  this  site to your family and
                                    friends for them to  experience too the joy  and  excitement this place could
                                    bring. And with that a "point" was made.                        -Michael A. Belleca