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My Commitment to ~*Blaque Widow*~

Wed 03:26:46 PM EDT May 2 ~*Blaque Widow*~ . . . Taking both your hands in Mine and
pulling you upwards onto your knees so that you can kneel close betwixt My thighs.I cant help but
stare deeply into the pools of brown chocolate that look so sweetly back t Me.
I love and adore you sweet kind heart so much it hurts ..and the feelings I have for you and your
sweet submission to Me are without comparison,even Love seems like such a tiny word for what i
feel for you..and i was hoping that you would bend the times that We had attached to things and
allow Me to collar you today My princess and have O/our nuptuals as planned on the 20th...
(with that I let go of one hand and reaching beneath My thigh I pull out a small velvet collar with
a silver and black Alaskan diamond spider with a large ruby horglass in its center back a tiny clasp
to do it up and no lock as I know that your commitment to me is bind enough betwixt Us..Leaning
to kiss your sweet lips i whisper to you..bedroom i would be truly honoured and pleased if you would
accept My collar now..even tho W/we cannot change O/our names till the colours come in I will still feel
the pride greatly in My heart knowing that I can call you Mine and mean it.(waiting with collar in hand
to hear your response)

Wed 03:32:55 PM EDT May 2 ~bedroom eyes~ . . . rising up as W/we hold hands ...hearing
your sexy voice and words.....soft brown eyes watching you you pull out the lovely
small velvet collar ...eyes filling with tears of joy....feeling your soft lips kissing this girl...soft voice
*oh yes Mistress this girl would be honoured to accept your collar*

Wed 03:37:45 PM EDT May 2 ~*Blaque Widow*~ . . . Smiling My lush pink lipped smile
...My fangs showing ever so slightly in happiness I reach My arms behind your tiny neck and clasp
the tiny spider to your throat where it drops to sit gently in the soft hollow where your heart beats
wildly..Pulling you up into My lap and kissing you deeply and with great passion..Oh baby Im so
pleased that you have accepted Me and i will do all withing My power to keep you safe and happy
and well used for all O/our time together(which in a few more short weeks shall be a
lifetime)nipping and nibbling at your sweet lips My arms hugging you tightly to Me ..God I'm so
happy bedroom eyes,, you have made Me the happiest Domme ever to walk these halls I'm are the perfect sub My love and I shall enjoy O/our Oneness with great
abandon.....Lifting you in My arms to cuddle with you for a moment before I need leave you till

Wed 03:43:54 PM EDT May 2 ~*Blaque Widow*~ . . . Accepting the two glasses from flame
and Smiling to her for her sweet act of kindness..and her sensitivity to the situation..Thank you
flame it is sweet that you have watched Mine accept Me for her own..handing bedroom a glass of
wine I wait to have Our first toast as a couple..raising my glass to her..may our paths always run
stariaght and My Our hearts always beat as one My love.clicking My glass to yours and sipping
lightly...My eyes burning into I want to take you out and home ......Please flame feel free
to have a glass yourself and join in the toast if you wish.

Wed 03:44:43 PM EDT May 2 ~bedroom eyes~ . . . soft voice *this girl is so happy to be Your
M'Lady....hugging your tight as this girl tears running down this girl cheek....*

Wed 03:49:33 PM EDT May 2 ~*Blaque Widow*~ . . . Kissing the salty tears from your
beautiful face and smiling as I know they are joyful tears not ones of sadness.....One single blue
tear slips from My own eye as I look so deeply into your lovliness baby..Lifting you in My arms
and standing..Turning to the crowd...For those that did not notice bedroom eyes has consented to
and is now wearing My collar .(but until admin sees fit to get O/our colours on the go we are
unable to add to each others names for now) But I am sure the spider about her throat will give it
away to Most..thank you A/all for the time We took to do this and to Our well wishers Thank you
very much as well.blowing a kiss to flame for being such a dear...Wrapping My cloak about you
tinygirl as the shadows can be cool I wrap you and carry you off into the darkness to take you
HOME with Me.Kissing you every few steps all the way there.

Wed 03:52:13 PM EDT May 2 ~bedroom eyes~ . . . feeling your soft you carry this
girl happy...soft voice *be well A/all*

Wed 03:52:35 PM EDT May 2 lady saetha . . . offers a blessing to BW and bedroon eyes...
Wed 03:53:03 PM EDT May 2 FantasyLite . . . ~toasts~
Black Widow and bedroom eyes to life, to happyness, to health and to pleasure,
may you enjoy all in equal measure together beyond your dearest hopes and desires!
~drains glass and sends it spiralling into the fire to explode in a shower of green and
gold sparks~

Wed 03:53:57 PM EDT May 2 ~*lil sage*~ . . . congrats Blaque Widow and bedroom eyes
Wed 03:54:10 PM EDT May 2 mysterious~flower . . . Congrats BW and bedroom eyes
Wed 03:54:12 PM EDT May 2 flame*phantom . . . ~raises my glass to the toast and slowly
sips it, watching them leave over the rim of my glass, eyes bright and happy for them both~

The way i feel for you...
I never thought i would open my heart again
but then i meet you and your hands and voice touch
my heart and open the door

you knew how hard this first step was for me.
to let you walk in but what else could i do
the sound of your voice reach deep inside and
i kneel down in front of you

in your eyes i see love, and understanding
in your touch i feel warmth, joy and desire...
in your kiss is love, peace, happiness....

you gave me what i needed and wanted
with my whole heart i gave myself to you and
surrendered all of me.

your love has put life into my submissive heart
and brighten my world.....
with this love you need no bonds to hold me to you

please accept me surrender for the gift that it is
i can truly say that every breath comes for My
Heart and soul*

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