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98 degrees bio

This is our "Bio" page containing the "scoop" on 98degrees, their nicknames, and a personal pic of each member.

Jeff Timmons...

Vocal Part: First tenor
Nickname: Sugar
Birhday: April 30, 1973
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Birth Place: Canton, Ohio
Weight: 160 lbs.
Height: 5'8"
Eyes: blue
Hair: brown
Performers: Boys II Men
Foods: Seafood & Steak
Colors: Orange & Blue
Sport: Football
Team: Dallas Cowboys
Clothing Line: Phat Farm
Actor: Robert DeNiro
Actress: Salma Hayek
Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Flower: Rose
Parents: James & Patricia Timmons
Rest of family: older bro Mike, younger sis Tina
Pets: 2 dogs
Group: Boyz II Men, Take 6, Jodeci
Song: "It's So Hard to Say Good-Bye to Yesterday" by Boyz II Men
Dream Car: Ferarri
Education: He was a psychology major at Penn State University
Past Jobs: A security guard in clubs with Justin
Cologne: Gendarme
Restaurant: Ruth Chris Steak House
Ice Cream Flavour: Cookie Dough or Mint Chocolate Chip
Tattoos: A 98 Degrees logo on his right arm and in Japanese the words "heaven" and "good luck" written on his chest.
Vacation spot: Panama City, FL

Nick Lachey...

Vocal Part: Second Tenor
Nickname: Hollywood, Slider
Birthday: November 9, 1973
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birth Place: Harlan, Kentucky
Weight: 180 lbs.
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: blue
Hair: brown
Performers: Boyz II Men
Foods: Skyline Chili, Steak, Pizza, BBQ
Colors: Red
Sport: Football, Basketball
Team: Cincinatti Bengals, Reds
Clothing: Phat Farm
Actor: Bruce Willis
Actress: Michelle Pfeiffer
Movie: Die Hard
Flower: Rose
Parents: John & Cate Fopma-Leimbach Lachey
Rest of family: younger bro Drew, younger bro Issac, younger bro Zac, younger sis Josie, younger sis Katlin
Group: Boyz II Men, Brian McKnight, Jodeci, Take 6
Song: "Cherish the Day" by Sade
Drink: Yoo-Hoo
Dream Car: BMW 850
Education: He majored in Sports Medicine at the University of Miami in Ohio.
Past Jobs: He used to delived Chinese food
Tattoos: 98 Degrees logo in the middle of a sun and a matching arm band with Drew
Vacation spot: Hawaii, Florida, Columbia

Justin Jeffre...

Vocal Part: Bass
Nickname: Droopy, Big J, Hydro
Birthday: February 25, 1973
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Mount Clemens, Michigan
Weight: 150 lbs.
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: blue
Hair: brown (now dyed blonde)
Performers: James Brown, Stevie Wonder
Foods: Pizza, Donuts, Skyline Chili
Colors: blue
Sport: soccer, tennis
Team: Cincinnatti Bengals
Clothing: Ralph Lauren, DKNY
Actor: Robert DeNiro
Actress: Jennifer Lopez
Movie: Braveheart
Flower: Rose
Parents: Dan & Sue Jeffre
Rest of family: older sis Ann, older bro Dan, older bro Jeff, younger sis Alexandra (aka Alex)
Group: Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Sade
Song: "Try a Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding
Drink: iced tea
Dream Car: Acura NSX
Education: History major at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio
Past Jobs: A security guard in clubs with Jeff
TV Shows: 60 Minutes, 20/20
Vacation spot: Los Angeles, Sante Fe, New Mexico

Drew Lachey...

Vocal Part: Baritone
Nickname: Sprout
Birthday: August 8, 1976
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birth Place: Cincinnatti, Ohio
Weight: 148 lbs.
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: brown
Performers: Marvin Gaye, Prince
Foods: Pizza, Donuts, Sany, and all junkfoods
Colors: navyblue
Sport: basketball
Team: Kansas City Chiefs
Clothing: Tommy Hilfiger
Actor: Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford
Actress: Minnie Driver
Movie: Braveheart
Flower: Rose
Parents: John & Cate Fopma-Leimbach Lachey
Rest of family: older bro Nick, little bro Isaac, little bro Zac, little sis Josie, another little sis Katlin
Group: Marvin Gaye, Take 6, Prince
Song: "Purple Rain" by Prince
Drink: orange juice
Dream Car: BMW M3
Education: He trained and worked as an EMT in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Past Jobs: He worked the midnight shift at a Dell
Tattoos: the letter "L" on his right arm with a band going around it which Nick also has
Vacation spot: A little cabin in the mountains or anywhere far from cars and noise