Updated: July 21, 1998
*Beef cooks at UnderGround Sounds!*
*WWWWI is updated!*

Thundering 1ARMY Flag
Welcome to 1ARMY Fortress, home of 1ARMY -- a collective of MCs striving for lexical perfection united in obliterating wackness. To learn more about us, check out 1ARMY's Genisis (below). I'd like to thank all headz for coming thru and making 1ARMY Fortress one the livest websights on the 'Net. Manifest your love for hip-hop here at 1ARMY Fortress thru either: battling, freestyling, posting audio files, posting graphiti, topical discussion, chat, voting on battles, peeping flowz, checking out the phat tracks and links or just by making helpful suggestions. 1ARMY Fortress is usually updated daily, so be sure to check the updates for all the changes that have been made since your last visit. Also, you can check out FAQ to help you get a good feel for how things run here. So, make yourself at home, and don't forget to show love by signing the ledger B4 you bounce...aiight?!?

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·Please, help yourself to any of the following events or activities·

Center Stage Steeloz Compilaion Graphiti Tunnel Topic HipHop 1ARMY Members Linkz
Firing Range Audio Armegeddon 1ARMY Genesis Canvas WWWW I UnderGround Sounds

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·1ARMY Fortress, ©1998·

1ARMY Fortress is best viewed with Netscape.
Aol and Explorer browsers tend to screw up the pics and animation (depending on your comp).
Special thanx to my peeps Blind Fury, Nitroglis, Braille and Shadow for their help and suggestions.