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"...a tightly written novel"------WASHINGTON POST

"...well executed thriller territory"------NEW YORK PRESS

"...a good fictional spin on an age-old belief."------QBR BLACK BOOK REVIEW

"...a stunning bit of campy black paranoia with a muscular integrity." -------Kirkus Reviews

" immensely readable novel whose subject matter is so highly charged that no one in America can afford the folly of ignoring it."-------MAX E. YOUNGSTEIN, former CEO, United Artists Pictures

"...a stunning literary achievement and a frightening portrayal of what might have been and what may yet come to pass if the black American underclass does not achieve social and economic justice."-------PRICE M. COBB, M.D. Author of 'Black Rage'

"...Roland S. Jefferson has obviously been there. He knows of what he writes and his SCHOOL ON 103RD STREET is an eloquent, moving testimonial to that -------REGIS PHILBIN, KABC-TV, Los Angeles

"...THE SCHOOL ON 103RD STREET is a rich book which, together with John A. Williams' THE MAN WHO CRIED I AM and Sam Greenlee's THE SPOOK WHO SAT BY THE DOOR is at the fountainhead of black political fiction.."-------MICHEL FABRE, Universite' de Paris 111, Sorbonne Nouvelle

" incredible, chilling story!"----WALTER BURRELL, Syndicated Columnist

"...a mesmerizing fictional document that breathes life into its characters." -------NEW DIRECTIONS

"...Timely, politically charged and necessary reading. THE SCHOOL ON 103RD STREET is just the kind of book that will knock us out of our complacent 70's attitude about black folks and justice."-------BLACK SCHOLAR

"...interesting and provocative reading. You'll enjoy it." -------HAL DASH, KHJ Radio, Los Angeles

"...a gripping and terrifing novel."------CHICAGO BULLETIN

"...a gripping, frightening, not to be put down until finished novel."-------FREEDOMWAYS

"...THE SCHOOL ON 103RD STREET fits the suspense-drama genre and it makes excellent, absorbing reading." -------BLACK BOOKS BULLETIN

"...This is a book, to be sure, that is made of strong stuff. Jefferson pulls no important work by an exceptional talent."--------LOS ANGELES GRAPEVINE

"...exceptionally skillful character studies and a rendering of the climate of our times."------SOUL PUBLICATIONS

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