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1 Heatherglen Cove - East St. Paul, Manitoba, R2E 0L2 - Jerry Brandt: 661-4444 - Cell: 797-8686 - Fax:669-0751 - email:

Our Guarantee

All material is guaranteed as specified. All work to be completed in a professional manner according to standard practices. All employees and management are covered by Worker's Compensation and/or private disability insurance. If necessary or specified by customer we will acquire licenses, permits, bonds and registration which may be required. Jerry's Concrete Works Ltd. carries a minimum of $1,000,000.00 in liability insurance coverage. WCB# 0965335.

All work guaranteed two full years against faulty workmanship.

Jerry's Concrete Works Ltd. is bonded, licensed and insured offering 34 years of experience including: Driveways, sidewalks, approaches, patios, garage floors.

Jerry's Concrete Works Ltd. specializes in Colour Stamped Concrete and Exposed Aggregate.

No Deposit Required - Interest Free Financing
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