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Welcome To
Super Bubba's
Home Page

Hi! I'm Super Bubba and I am on an RC Flying Tour that will take me all the way to Australia before I come back home. I started on December 15, 2001 at Butler Field in Summersville, WV. That's the home field of  Wally's Squadron RC Flyers . Check back every now and then and see how I'm             doing. After I left West Virginia, I went to Mississippi, Michigan, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Tennessee, Australia. I arrived back home in West Virginia on April 18th, 2002. I have traveled 25,973 miles in my box. The links to my adventures are at the bottom of this page. There are some exciting pictures so don't miss any of them. Oh Yeah! Sign my guest book and I'll write ya back!

   On my first flight I made two takeoffs and two landings. In between I did some rolls, cuban eight's, inverted flight, a couple of loops and a few fly-bys for the camera. I'm ready to take on the world now!

View Bubba's Guest book
Sign Bubba's Guest book

BIG NEWS! I now have my own home on RCShowRoom! Click on this link and read first hand accounts from the guys that know me best! I'm also mentioned in other posts/topics so look around the board. Be sure and register so you can take part in all of the informative and FUN discussions.

Here are some shots of my first flight!

Here I am doing my pre-flight. I'll be flying a Midwest Citabria with an OS .91 Four Stroke and JR 8103 Radio.

This is my instructor. They call him Joss Stick on RCShowRoom. After today I'll be able to fly anything!

Here I am in the cockpit. Hey! What are these wires?

My First Landing!

Follow these Links for Bubba's Adventures
Mississippi: quint
 Michigan: Plane Insane
 Kansas: RandyL
 Oklahoma: Kriegsmacht
  Texas: FHH
 Arizona: JohnBuckner
 Colorado: CTDAHLE
Tennessee: Boardman
 Australia: Omurru
 Home: Joss Stick
 Bubba's Log page and a cool plane and Bubba talks. 
Check Out:

Map of the Bubba States of America