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Hey, this is my page of top tens. Mainly to amuse myself and those reading them. Yes I have no life. SHUT UP!! And..Enjoy!:)

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X-ray cat
X-ray cat again
Me again
More recent pic of me
Me Cort and Shannon @ my cottage
New Cottage 2002 pics: Mander and I getting ready to cliffdive!
Sitting in the boat
Docking the boat
On the Haliburton lookout thinger
At the carnival
In the Big Haliburton chair!

Top 10 Worst Experiences of My Life

10. English and religion classes every day last semester
9. That day last year in art when Mander was being mean :(
8. The "All Hallows Punk" Show
7. Dale hugging me
6. Wallowing for days over Greg
5. When me, Erica, Greg and Bill went to wonderland
4. Any "family day" spent with my parents
3. "The Wedding"
2. My 15th Birthday
1. Grade 8 ottawa trip

Top 10 Ike Funnies

10. Ike mistakes waterbottle for a pair of shorts
9. Ike attempts to make cheap conversationw ith Andy
8. Ike mistakes church for Pebblestone Road
7. Ike spells Melissa with 3 i's
6. Ike spills gooeyness on his shirt
5. Ike tells us to keep our drugs in our pockets
4. Ike asks if girldriving in car wants a ride
3. Ike has windshield wipers on when its sunny and off when it's rainy
2. Ike sings Oh Canada
1. Look @ him!!!!

Top 10 Funniest things that happened when we went bowling

10. Tina's pooing pig
9. Buying matching nails
8. The punch the rubber ducky game
7. The dinosaurs running on my dinosaur game
6. Tina showed the guy behind the counter her boobs and gave her 101 more tickets
5. The "I have leukemia" dance
4. Watching the next 'N sync guys dance on the dancer thinger
3. Sarah and Lana's version of bowling: the most creative gutterball
2. My hero, Richard
1. Watching Sarah collapse in the middle of the walk way because Tina thought her sexual shoes were free

Top 10 Funniest things in "Freddy Got Fingered"

10. The part where he's saying his parents don't love his brother as much as him at the very beginning of the movie
9. Although the baby scene is extremely disturbing, the aboriginals are funny.
8. When he says he's a 28 year old man he cna eat a chicken sandwitch if he wants to
7. When he tells the Child care worker that his father fingers freddy and hes like "You're gonna pay dad! You're a molester! You're a CHIIILLLLDDDDD molester! Waaaahhhh!" and he jumps out the window
6. When he goes to the horny wheelchair chicks house and is beating her with the bamboo stick then whacks her in the face. Also when she says it's his turn and he's like "Ok but be careful I..I've got sensitive knees. AND! when his umbilical cord is taped there for fun. ALSO! when she says she hasn't made her rocket-powered wheelchair yet and hes like "Well don't you feel like a stupid dummy?" OHHH!!! AND The part where the horny wheelchair girl is comin after him and hes like "Hi" "How are You?". Aw geze thats a great scene.
5. The daddy would U like some sausage scene. At the beginning the guy comes in and he goes "What in the name of sweet breakfast meats are you doing?" 4. When he's looking in the resturant for Dave Davidson and he asks the girl if she is him and well..just watch the movie.
3. When he tells his mom to have sex with strange men, basketball players, and greeks, men from greece
2. The Submarine Supreme Scene when there isn't enough cheese on that dude's sandwitch
1. The whole bank scence after he sells his drawings, expecially when he says "I'll have 100 000 dollars and just put the rest in my chequing-savings account". And he starts rubbing on Mr.Lee and the look on Mr.Lee's face is priceless. And then the plant. Ahhhh that's the best scene.

Top 10 C.D's

10. The Wedding Singer Soundtrack:) haha it rocks!!
9. Pennywise - Land of the Free?
8. (hed) p.e - Broke
7. Teenage Head - Frantic City
6. ACDC - Back in Black
5. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory
4. Toxicity - System of a Down
3. No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (new no doubt sucks ass!)
2. Lostprophets - thefakesoundofprogress
1. Mel's Merry Christmas C.D/ Mel's Happy Birthday C.D

Top 11 Cults (Some from Mander)

11. Diffi Cult 10. Rainbow Scarf Cult
9. Pen Race Cult
8. Algile Cult
7. That Cult
6. Whatever cult Lana and Adio are in
5. Nail Cult
4. Aquacult
3. Agricult
2. Bracelet-pin cult
1. Blue Oyster Cult

Top 4 Reasons why you should Never listen to the song Arto by System of a Down BY: Lana!

4. When you're old, right before you’re about to die and you didn't get the chance to say good-bye ((snap snap)) you’ll think "I wish I hadn't wasted those 30 seconds listening to that retarded song so I could have those 30 seconds to say goodbye”
3. Later if you’re on your computer, you’ll look at it and say "gee golly gosh, I wonder what this is" you'll listen to it again and waste ANOTHER 30 seconds and you'll be downloading the music video for the BEST song ever and its 99.99% done and then it stops because there’s not a enough room on your computer And it goes away and you can never download it again and you'll think "if only I hadn't downloaded that song, then I’d have this cool video"
2. One day you'll loose your hearing from listening to music too much and all you want to hear is the voice of my grandchild singing a song- only once, but you can and you’ll think "if only I hadn't wasted my ears on that song I could have listened to her sing and remembered her voice"
1. One day you'll be crippled in an electronic wheelchair and your hand will be paralyzed from being on the computer too much, and you'll see a bunch of cute kids who will then come up to you and laugh at you because you're crippled and you'll think "if only I hadn't moved my hand to play that song i could freely move it now and hole up my middle finger to them so that they could see it better"

Top 10 Ways to Get Drunk over the Holidays: By Lana

10. Put alcohol in the Eggnog ((Ok, I understand the egg- but what’s with the nog?))
9. Put alcohol in the Fruitcake
8. Put alcohol in the chocolates
7. Put alcohol in the turkey
6. Accidentally fall into a pool of rum
5. Volunteer at the orphanage serving gin
4. Suck the sap out of the pine tree needles
3. Switch cups with the old paralyzed guy that always sits in the corner
2. Go with uncle billy bob to the bar to pick up some nice costers for auntie may
1. Play Santa-says with uncle billy bob

Top 10 things NOT to say to your parents on christmas! BY: Lana

10. That wasn’t fruit cake you just ate
9. Sorry dad, I used up all the bullets on the carolers
8. I’m drunk from egg cake and fruit nog
7. This year Santa gave me something he can never take back
6. I just thought the cat could have been used as a substitute for Christmas lights
5. I have picture of Santa in nothing but his boots
4. I left Santa some milk and shrooms
3. Mommy, I saw you fucking Santa Clause
2. Dad, I got you that movie you wanted- “Merry XXX-mas”
1. All I want for Christmas are implants

Top 10 Cd's - By: Jake!

10. Propagandhi - Today's Empire, Tomorrow's Ashes
9. Tool - Undertow
8. Led Zeppelin Disc Two (in the CD set I got)
7. Beatles - Sgt.Peppers Lonely Heart Club
6. Slayer - Reign in Blood
5. Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill
4. Metallica - Master of Puppets
3. Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
2. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of The Moon
1. Tool - Aenima

Top 10 Reasons to watch The Price Is Right - By: Jake

10. Barker's Babes
9. Those people with funny t-shirts 8. The old people who are way at the back, and have to get all the way down to the contestent square. And are out of breathe, and need air.
7. Roddie's jackets...oooh boy, thats a jacket.
6. Bob Barker getting kissed by fat, sweaty, and ugly women...AND LOVING IT!
5. Seeing old people win the brand new car, and then realising they only have a year left of their lives.
4. Seeing losers who can't spin the wheel.
3. The sets...the ones that haven't been changed since the show the 70's.
2. Bob Barker...c'mon, he hasn't changed in looks since the show started.
1. To see Bob Barker die, it's going to happen any days.

Top 10 Wrestling Matches - By: Jake

10. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Hell in a Cell Match - Good match, which saw Michaels becoming bloody. Wow, that's nasty.
9. Mankind vs. Undertaker, Hell in a Cell Match - Not so much a match, but Mankind taking the sickest bump in North America. A 16 foot fall from the top of the cell onto an announce table. Then falling through the cell onto the ring and blacking out, but still continuing the match.
8. Ken Shamrock vs. Owen Hart, Lion's Den Match - I like this is short, and has some cool stuff in it.
7. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. RVD - Just because RVD jumped from the turnbuckle to the outside of the ring, and did it again, but he fliped the second time.
6. Tajiri vs. Super Crazy vs. Jerry Lynn, 3 Way - Not very long, but some cool flips.
5. Sabu vs. The Sandman, Stairway to Hell Match - Ultimate Bloody Match. The Sandman is DRENCHED in blood.
4. Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart, No Holds Barred - Kick started Austin's career, and ended with the classic bloody Austin
3. Chris Jericho vs. Pit Bull #2 vs. Shane Douglas vs. 2 Cold Scorpio, 4 Corners Match - A good match which showed amazing wrestling ability, and went on for forty minutes.
2. Evan Karagias, Jaime Knoble vs. Kaz Hayashi, Yang vs. Shannon Moore, Shane Helms, Elimination Match - This match kicked too much ass. I downloaded it, and watched it. I was in awe from the athletic ability shown.
1. The Dudleys vs. The Hardyz vs. Edge & Christian, TLC II - I can't really think of anything that would beat this match.

Top 10 Foods (cuz I love food) me, Mel

10. Warm Chocolate chip cookies
9. Chicken with swiss chalet sauce
8. Those dorito wannabes with garfield on the bag, the cheesy ones
7. Maple doughnuts
6. Almonds
5. Fresh corn on the cob
4. Cold Pizza
3. Salad with all the fixins'
2. Moose tracks Ice cream or cookie dough ice cream or skor ice cream in general
1. Cookie Dough

Top 10 Mellow Songs

10. Hoobastank - Running Away
9. Audiovent - Underwater Silence
8. (hed) p.e - The Meadow
7. 311 - Amber
6. Finger 11 - Slow Chemical
5. Staind - Epiphany
4. Sevendust - Angel's son
3. Glassjaw - Ape Dos Mil
2. Incubus - Are you in?
1. Incubus - I miss you :)

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