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Success Is Yours!
Start With A...

[A]void working just for power and money.
[B]e honest, reliable, faithful, and aggressive.
[C]hoose your friends carefully.
[D]on't be afraid to take risks.
[E]stablish goals and work systematically toward achieving them.
[F]ree rides don't excist.
[G]et it done.
[H]ave confidence that you can make a difference.
[I]nvite constructive criticism.
[J]ust doing enough to get by, won't get it done.
[K]eep from making excuses.
[L]isten, learn, and always work to improve your mind.
[M]ean what you say, and say what you mean.
[N]ever, ever give up on your dreams.
[O]nly one person can control you, and that's you.
[Q]uality, not quantity.
[R]espect others.
[S]ometimes, slow down and smell the roses.
[T]reat others with respect, and they will respect you.
[U]se your assets wisely.
[V]oice your opinions.
[W]ork as hard as possible, without forgetting your loved ones.
[X]pect obstacles, but accept challenges.
[Y]ou ae in charge of your own actions.
[Z]ap obstacles and reach for the stars.


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Tec Voc Grad 2001

Owen "HITMAN" Fussey

Capitals on Film

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©2003 Osmaro Aviles