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Zero Tolerance for Sin, Unlimited Grace.
Not just a motto, but a Life Style

Are you ready to have zero tolerance for sin? Are you ready to extend unlimited grace through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
In this politically correct world, where having zero tolerance for anything is looked down upon by society, it is time for Christians to take a stand against sin. Have Zero Tolerance for Sin!
Now, you might ask, How can I have Zero Tolerance for sin when there is so much of it in the world?
Well, you can! Try these ideas out for size:


Commiting to sexual purity until marriage


not watching R rated movies


reading your Bible everyday


Sharing Christ with at least one person a day

At The same time we're having zero tolerance for sin, we must reconize that there are others in the world that don't.

  • We MUST show everyone we come across unlimited grace through Jesus, because Jesus has shown us unlimited grace.
  • We MUST not judge others, lest we be judged by the same standards.
  • We MUST "hate the sin, but love the sinner."
  • We MUST set the example, letting others see Jesus' love and mercy and grace through us.

Notice I said "must". That is because this is not just an option, it is the option. If we only extend His grace towards others when we feel like it, Satan will make sure we never feel like it...
A friendly note to you:   Thought of the moment
This site is constantly undergoing construction. Resources are being added as fast as I can put them up. Any suggestions? Comments? Feel free to contact me.   God's last name is not "Damn".

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Copyright ©2003
ZTUG Online

This page was last updated:
Sunday October 19, 2003