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Mr. Bimbles Welcomes Everyone...Except You.

Hey there. Yeah you. Whats up? Wait! I dont really care. Sorry, dear. What was that? Yeah, same to you. Actually, I do care deeply about my friends. But since you arent a friend of mine, I dont really care about you. Hey, dont leave just yet. Dont you want to know why Im so bitter? And why my picture looks so retarded? And why I dont use apostrophes? You know you do. It kills you to have these burning questions inside you, yes? Yes. You also want to know who this Mr. Bimbles is right? Good. We shall discuss it in the near future.

Anyways, so I wa--what? You want to know what this page is about? Well, I was just about to tell you. See...I had this one website way back when....but I stopped becuase well, I didnt want to work on that anymore. But I really like putting together web pages so I decided to make another one. My first one, The BSB-Files, was just a Backstreet Boys Humor site. I used to one hell of a fan, but as time went by, my obession (heh, you'll like my obessions) went...uh, away. So, its now there for looks and here is my wonderful personal page. Actually, I think Im gonna have some obsevational humor on here. Kinda like the smart ass who likes to make fun of innocent people. Yeah, thats me. Well, I hope you like and...well...if you dont like. Go away. Go on. :) For those who stayed, enjoy.
2-24-01 ~ Well, how's this for rejected...I forgot the address of my new site ALREADY. I had to sign in with my screen name instead of my addy. What the hell? Well, anyways, Ive added a little section about mes amis...thats French for my friends...Okay, wake up...class is over. Later~

8-18-01 ~ Yeah, I know that I havent updated in awhile, but who really goes here, eh? This is just for my benefit really...I put up a fanfic because I didnt know where else to put it and I wanted some of my friends to read it and this was an easy place to put and and...well...yes. Clicketh hereth.

My Test Subjects...I mean, Friends

Liz & Erin
The Children who used to live down the street from me.

The Lady of the Night