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Security Guard Training Opportunities in Ohio

The reason for this web page is to educate people who are employed a security guards in the cincinnati, Ohio and surrounding area about the many educational opportunities that are available to them. I started my career in security in 1989. Later on I learned about the state peace officer training course for security officers from a co-worker who had previously taken the course. The problem is that this information is mostly passed on by word of mouth. There are a lot of really good employment opportunities in security, but most guards don't have their state certification and therefore it is really hard to find people to fill those positions. Most security guards are unaware about the training that is available to them. Many years ago it wasn't necessary for a person to obtain post high school education in order to get a good job. Since then, this world has changed. The job market is much more competitive now than its ever been. As a security guard, it is to your advantage to learn as much as you can about fire/safety, criminal law, and emergency procedures. Many security guards are moved around from one post to another by the company they work for, and as a result, different procedures apply to the different places where they work. The more education that you have the better of you will be. It will reflect in your job performance and also shows your employer that you have the iniative to increase your education. As a security officer, if you want to stay in this vocation, I strongly recommend that you obtain the State of Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission Certificate in Private Security(OPOTC). Many companies require their officers to have this certificate. It was commonly referred to as the 120 hour course, but the length of the course is now 150 hours. Sometimes a school that is offering the course has to wait until it has enough students to start a class. It is well worth the wait. Below is a list of schools that offer training, certificates, and degrees for security officers, public safety/emergency service and other related vocations. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SECURITY OFFICER AND A GUARD IS EDUCATION!!!!

List of Schools and Couse Offered

OPOTA Certificate/Police Training Institute
OPOTA and Firearm Certificate/Great Oaks Vocational Schools
OPOTA and Corrections Certificate/Sinclair Community College
Criminal Justice and Safety DegreesSinclair Community College
Criminal Justice, Fire, and Emt/Paramedic Degrees/UC
Criminal Justice Degree/Xavier University
OPOTA / Stark State College
OPOTA Website
Training for 911 Emg Telecommunications/Great Oaks Vocational Schools
Interested in alarm systems-electronics/ITT Tech
Alarm Sysems-Electronics/Cincinnati State
Private Investigation Certificate/Executive Security International
Security Guard Training/IFPO
Steve Highley's Web Page
ccupational outlook for Security Guards
