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Welcome to "MENDS"

A True Helping Hand

Medical Equipment Needed Distribution Service

Baxter & Marion County, Arkansas

Sponsored by:

Bull Shoals Lakeview Rotary

MENDS - is dedicated to providing needed  medical supplies, medications and equipment to those individuals in need that live in Baxter and Marion County, Arkansas. 

At NO COST for those that Meet Criteria for Assistance !



  Back/Neck Care
  Bathroom Assistance
  Bedroom Products
  Communication Aides
  Daily Living Aides
  Diabetic Supplies
  Foot Products
  Exercise Equipment
  Hair Care
  Incontinence Products
  Lift Chairs
  Magnetic Therapy
  Walkers And Accessories
  Orthopedic Aides
  Wheelchair Accessories



Help Us Make People Smile !

Check your home for medical equipment, supplies and medication you no longer use or need. Talk to your friends and neighbors, your Doctor, Dentist, Optometrist, or anyone else that may occasionally have items they could give MENDS. We in turn will take these items and distribute them to those in need.

The medications we receive are screened by a local pharmacist who donates his time and distributes the medications via the local Christian's Clinic.


Make People Smile


How does MENDS work?

We collect medical equipment and supplies that has exceeded it's usefulness to it's owner but will meet the needs of others.

We then with the assistance of various organizations such as the Bull Shoals-Lakeview Rotary as well as Rotary International get these items to those that can benefit from them.

If you have or you know of someone that may have items to donate for distribution email MENDS as soon as possible.

Facilities in Need of or Wishing to Donate Items?


Individuals Wishing to Donate Items?


Individuals in Need?


 MENDS is Sponsored by Bull Shoals - Lakeview Rotary

Working With

Rotary District 6110
Medical Supplies Network, Inc.
A Worldwide Humanitarian Aid Project


            Copyright 2001/2002 - MENDS and Bull Shoals~Lakeview Rotary

             Web Page Design Donated By - (Rotarian) Prof. Michael L. Beshears