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Humpback Whales

& Other Whales

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Collection Of Humpback Whales

Humpback Pic I Flukes Humpback Video I Humpback Flukes
Humpback Pic II Mother & Child Humpback Video II Humpack On Side
Humpback Pic III Fluke Sunset Humpback Video III
Humpback Pic IV Multiple Pics Humpback Video IV
Humpback Pic V Flukes II Humpback Video V
Humpback Pic VI At The Surface Humpback Video VI
Humpback Pic VII Diving Down Humpback Video VII
Humpback Pic VIII Breeching Humpback Video VIII
Humpback Pic IX Mating Humpback Video IX
Humpback Pic X Bumpy Smiles Humpback Video X
Humpback Pic XI Flukes III Humpback Video XI
Humpback Pic XII Diving Down II Humpback Video XII
Humpback Pic XIII The Hump On The Back Humpback Video XIII

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Megaptera novaeangliae

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My Other Sites To Visit

Dolphins My dolphin page Surfing Coming Soon
Orcas My orca page SCUBA Coming Soon
Sharks My shark page Dragons My dragon page
Mermaids My mermaid page    
Pirates My pirate page    

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Other Humpback Whale Links

Humpback I National Geographic Humpback VI Mindy's Humpback Reference
Humpback II Expedition Humpback VII Whale Web
Humpback III Newfounland Humpback VIII American Cetacean Society
Humpback IV Jeffrey's Humpback Whales Humpback IX Coming Soon
Humpback V Humpback Whale Sanctuary Hawaii Humpback X Comong Soon

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