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Stop clicking for 1 minute!!

Everyone who makes or tries to make money on the internet knows that if people can't see your web site or affiliate page you are not going to sell or make a single thing.

Unless your site has a top 5 ranking in a major search engine or you have thousands of dollars to throw at advertising then the next best thing is to join a 'hit exchange' program.

There are literally hundreds of these programs on the net but while they may offer you a few free credits to join them,exactly how many credits do you recieve each time you click?

Many offer a 2:1 ratio which means that for every 2 sites you view you only get 1 visitor back!

The hit exchange programs listed here are 1:1 ratio so that all the time you are viewing other web sites someone is viewing yours.

Remember that you need lots of visitors to make money so start by getting as many as you deserve...good luck!!

website advertising

Click here for the BEST Hit Exchange!

Need a good program to use with all those visitor credits?

Want to turn $5 into $$$$? ...